Ideology of Pakistan
Introduction 57th Nation state of United Nations, Pakistan emerged as a sovereign state on August 14,1947. Ideology of Pakistan is based on Islam and Two nation theory
What is ideology Ideology is a French word. The French philosopher Tracy used the word ideologie in French Revolution. An ideology is a set of aims and ideas that directs one's goals, expectations, and actions The term ‘ideology’ means science of ideas.
What is an Ideology? A subjective phenomena Science of ideas and ideals A set of proposals about human nature and society An interpretation of the past, explanation of the present and a vision for the future Not consistent but dynamic phenomena. Two ideological states in the world I:- Pakistan II:-Israel
Here's what Webster's dictionary gives us for ideology: 1 : visionary theorizing 2 (a) : a systematic body of concepts esp. about human life or culture b : a manner or the content of thinking characteristic of an individual, group, or culture c : the integrated assertions, theories, and aims that constitute a sociopolitical program
Emergence of an ideology A phenomena to achieve some particular objectives Always emerges in crisis Emerges amongst the exploited and dissatisfied groups of society Oppressed, rejected and mistreated people lead to emergence of ideologies.
Importance of An Ideology Works as a lynch pin among revolutionaries A cementing force Provides a line of action A pre-requisite for establishment of a new social system
Basis of Ideology of Pakistan 1.Sovereignity belongs to Allah. 2.Islamic state governed by teachings of Quran & Sunnah. 3.To save the distinct religious, political, economical, cultural and social identity of muslims
4.Emancipation from Hindu domination. 5.Two-Nation theory. 6.To establish an Islamic economic system. 7.To establish an Islamic democracy
NATION-NATIONALISM NATION has common culture, language, history, sympathies, civilization, religion, heroes, regional loyalty, boundaries, Territory.
DISPUTES ON THE BASE OF NATIONALISM. Violent disputes between Armenistan and Azerbaijan. In Kashmir (Hindu-Muslim). In Indian Punjab there is Khalisa Movement. In Sri-Lanka “Tamil and Sinhalese”. Long running dispute between Arabs and Jewish. Kurds in Turkey, Iraq and Iran. In Africa, Nationalism is in the form of tribalism. (Pakistan Case Study)
Definition: Nation A nation is a territory or country as political entity or a grouping of people who share real or imagined common history, culture, language or ethnic origin, often possessing or seeking its own government.
STIMULATIONS OF THE NATIONALISM The Idea of a unique national community. The Idea of a nation as a society which should its own state. The Idea of a nation as a body of citizens whose self-determination is justified in terms of universal political principals
HISTORY OF NATIONALISM Disputed history about the origin of Nationalism. Majority historian believe that Nationalism is the product of nineteenth century, when old empires dismantled and new nations created. Modern concept emerged between 1800-1950, when Europe made colonies.
IDEOLOGY OF PAKISTAN/ TWO NATION THEORY Ideology of nation reflects the state of a people’s mind, their emotions, hopes, aspirations, ideals or objectives. Worth of ideology – people’s dedication. Pakistan- as an ideological State. => Hindu-Muslim (Religious difference). => Muslim Rule 900 years but were in minority. => After independence-majority will be in power. => That is not bearable for Muslims.
RELIGION-SOLE LOGIC FOR IDEOLOGY OF PAKISTAN Foundation of Pakistan could not possibly be laid on common race, common language and common territory. In Pakistan, there were numerous ethnic group such as Punjabi, Sindhi, Balochi, Bengali and Pashtun. So, religion was a nation-building force.
Quaid’s words regarding Pakistan as nation. “ Islam has taught us this and i think you will agree with me, for whatever else you may be and whatever you are, you are a Muslim. You belong to a nation now; you have carved out a territory, vast territory, it is all yours; it does not belong to a Punjabi or a Sindhi or a Pathan or a Bengali; it is yours”.
WAS QUAID IN FAVOR OF THEOCRATIC STATE? Islam-Nationalism, Patriotism- not Secterianism. Pakistan- religious state not theocratic state. Islam creates a Polite civil Society. Quaid’s wordings “Make no mistake; Pakistan is not a theocracy or anything like it, Islam demands from us the tolerance of other creeds and we welcome in closest association with us all those who, of whatever creed or themselves willing and ready to play their part as true and loyal citizens of Pakistan”.
Two Nation theory A concept given by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan that there were two Nations in British India Muslims Non-Muslims Muslims of India had there own Culture,Civilization,Mores,Stereotypes,norms contrary to that of other Non-Muslims of India
HINDUISM AND ISLAM Ideological difference. Religious difference. Socially difference. Economically differentiation. Administratively difference. Statistically conflict. Extremist point of view regarding Muslims.