Religious Conflict
Why? Fundamentalism- strict adherence to religious values. A way for a group to keep cultural identity. My way is the right way. –Traditionalists Through globalization, fundamentalists struggle more and more in keeping with the strict adherence to their religious text as well as keeping those followers ‘in line’ too. Belief that because of your religion, you have the right to invade those areas which do not adhere to said religion.
Religion vs. Government Globalization means exposure to all types of religious values. Conflict between governmental policy and religious followings cause problems. Communist governments, which minimize the importance of religion. Secular governments which keep religion and governmental functions separate. Political organizations and governments that rule in accordance to religious text but are dealing with push back from citizens. Eastern Orthodox and Islam v. Communism Taliban v. Western Ideas Hinduism v. Social Equality
Religious Conflicts Two primary examples: Ireland Israel/Palestine
Religious Conflict: Ireland
Republic of Ireland 1949 (Southern) Ireland- 92% Roman Catholic Northern Ireland- part of the U.K, 58% Protestant, 42% Roman Catholic When Ireland became independent it was the Northern Protestants who wanted to remain apart of the U.K. The catholic minority along with Southern Ireland formed a militia (IRA) with the goal to unite all of Ireland.
Sectarian Conflict Violent conflict along religious or political lines. Form of communal violence between different sects of one particular religion or ideology
Irish Republic Army
Ulster Defense Force
Treatment of Catholics Roman Catholics of Northern Ireland have faced discrimination, loss of job opportunity, restricted access to schools. The city of Belfast is an example of the segregation and isolation experienced by N.I Catholics.
Belfast Neighborhoods
Ongoing Violence The religious battle had been long standing. 3,000 people have been killed in the battle to remain apart of the U.K or a united Ireland. Many are willing to live peacefully together but fundamentalists keep the violent movement going forward. There was a treaty formed in 1999 but never signed.
Conflict in Middle East Jews, Christians and Muslims all trace their religious history back to Abraham. Palestine/Israel “The Holy Land” “The Promise Land”
Judaism Viewpoint Promised Land Major events in development of religion occurred there. Customs, culture, ritual stem from the agriculture of the ancient Hebrew tribes.
Islam Jerusalem- third Holy City Muhammad was said to have ascended to heaven there.
The fight for control This area had been under the control of many empires. The latest being the British Empire In 1947 the UN took control and began a series of Israel/Palestine hot-potato.
Who’s who? Palestinians Israelis People living in the territories captured by Israel in 1967. Muslim citizens of Israel People who fled from Israel after Israel was created in 1948 People who fled from occupied territories after 1967 war Citizens of other countries who identify themselves as Palestinians Displaced ethnic group with no home Forced out of Israel territory Forced out of Europe during WWII Was promised to them by Holy Doctrine
1948-49 War
Post 1967-Six Day War
Current Day Israel/Palestine
Timeline of Events
Who’s Right? Palestinian Perspective: Pushed out by UN (Jordan and Egypt control) After 1973, J and E recognize them as independent state to control Gaza and West Bank Watch Israel continue to take over more and more territory. Encourage Israelites to move into Palestinian territory. Some want to come up with a compromise while others will not rest until entire territory is restored.
Israeli Perspective: Small country Jewish majority in area Surrounded by Arab nations No alternate homeland Building walls- controversial (cuts off Palestinians from work, water, resources) Has decreased the number of suicide bombers and attacks
Separation Wall
Jerusalem: Everyone wants a piece
Christian Viewpoint Holy Land Jerusalem- Holy City Major events in Jesus life, death, and Resurrection were concentrated there.
Judaism Viewpoint Promised Land Major events in development of religion occurred there. Customs, culture, ritual stem from the agriculture of the ancient Hebrew tribes.
Islam Jerusalem- third Holy City Muhammad was said to have ascended to heaven there.
Holy Site-challenges The sacred spaces for Jews and Muslims were practically built on one another. Jewish first and second holy temples were built in Jerusalem but then was destroyed with the exception of one wall. This wall is known as the Western Wall or the Wailing Wall. Prayer is performed here daily.
Western Wall
Islam Islam’s Jerusalem is important because of the “Dome of the Rock” This is where Muhammad ascended into heaven.