Double Jeopardy NumbersIndustryName the Region, AGAIN Islands and Lakes Potpourri
What Canadian city has the highest Percentage of total Canadian Population???
What region has the highest population Density???
What percentage of Canada’s Population lives in the Atlantic?
Name the 5 Great Lakes.
What is the largest Indian band in Canada – Remember the category??
In which region will you find 40% Of Canada’s beef herd??
What art works are a feature of the Economy of the North??
Tourist attractions, such as the Klondike Days, are in important Part of this region’s economy?
What industry in the Cordillera region is world famous, finding markets in the U.S., Western Europe and Japan?
Which factor has contributed to the decline Of small towns in the prairie? Hint: it has to do With farm equipment???
This region covers more than half of Canada’s land area.
The search for the northwest passage Brought Europeans to this region In the 1800’s
This region covers all provinces, except BC and the Atlantic.
The Rocky, Columbia and Coastal Mountains The backbone of this region???
This region has only a thin Covering of soil????
What region includes Lake Ontario, Lake Erie, Lake Huron.
What is the capital of Newfoundland?
What is Canada’s largest island?
What is Canada’s most westerly islands?
The Cabot Trail is found on what Island?
Name the provinces included in the Atlantic Region????
What is the name of the Gulf which Separates Newfoundland from the rest Of the Atlantic provinces? I
Underlying this region is Precambrian rock, rich in Minerals????
What separates the two lowland areas Of the Great Lakes St. Lawrence region?
The Niagara escarpment are a part of This region’s topography (landscape)?