John F. Kennedy Wanted the U.S. to be a “New Frontier” Promised to go to the moon. Created Peace Corp and Vista Tried to fight poverty around the world. Lyndon B. Johnson Wanted to create a great society Created Medicare and Medicaid Education acts, Water quality acts, Model Cities act, Wilderness act. Vietnam War J.F.K sent the first advisors to Vietnam L.B.J. sent troops to Vietnam Increased the military spending Civil Rights movement J.F.K. passed the equal employment opportunity act. J.F.K witnessed the prime time of the civil rights movement L.B.J. passed the Civil Rights act in 1964, 1965, and 1967
The liberal party supports change in society through the policies of the government. Government programs are costly and often seem inefficient. People oppose restrictions Loss of confidences in government.
Richard Nixon Watergate Vietnam War climax Political conspiracy Ronald Reagan The Fall of Communism Social and political stability Civil Rights Native American civil rights step backward Women’s social status changes African Americans experience the quota system
A political party that wants less government involvement in our lives. Cutting taxes often benefits the rich and hurts the services for the poor. De-regulation – who protects the environment and product safety. Promoting family and Church values inevitably leaves some cultures out. Promote democracy overseas, which can be costly
Administration Civil Rights Middle East Conflict on the rise Iraq, Afghanistan and Israel become center piece issues. Native Americans rights granted Women in powerful positions in society Liberal expansion of social services Balanced government debt
Administration Middle East Civil Rights Cultural renaissance across U.S. Transition away form racial and ethnic rights. Back-sliding in social values Gulf War (first Bush) Israel problem War on Terrorism Iraq War Cut taxes Increased military spending