Hydrogen Fuel: The Next Gasoline?
Why hydrogen? Most abundant element in the universe Clean burning
Hydrogen Fuel Cells Most hydrogen cars are powered by fuel cells rather than internal combustion engines Fuel cells produce electricity Very similar to driving an electric car Waste products of only heat and water
Hydrogen Production Most hydrogen is produced from natural gas (60% fewer CO2 emissions than gasoline) Can also be produced from coal (not exactly clean) Cleanest way to produce it is from electrolysis from a green energy source such as wind, solar, nuclear
Drawbacks Lack of infrastructure (fueling stations) Many production methods are not exactly “green” Safety concerns (compression and flammablilty) COST!!!! ($100k+)
Producers Almost all manufacturers have a working prototype Honda (FCX Clarity) Toyota (FCV concept) Chevy (Sequel) Hyundai (Tucson)