The D&T curriculum case for STEM David Barlex & Torben Steeg Why should I leave my silo? I’m happy and successful! 4 June 2015
A Three Part Presentation Curriculum inequalities Teaching in the light of STEM Convincing the doubters
Curriculum inequalities S TE M How do we make ‘in school’ a bit more like ‘out of school’?
All members of the community need to be treated as autonomous players … foster a culture of co-operation not competition. It is important to preserve the integrity and identity of individual subjects … as well as showing how the subjects support one another. Identity Curriculum inequalities
Science explores and explains Design & technology intervenes Mathematics represents Difference Curriculum inequalities
D&T in Royal Society Report Page 41 Design and technology (D&T) is likely therefore to become increasingly important within National Curricula. Curriculum inequalities D&T covers such diverse areas as product design, food technology, engineering, systems and control, electronics, textiles and graphics. It involves subject knowledge as well as learning from other subjects. Since it is also oriented towards finding creative solutions to real problems, D&T examines people’s needs, desires and values and encourages people to be resourceful, innovative and enterprising. D&T is highly relevant to the future world of work, which will call on young people to apply a broad range of subject knowledge to design and manufacture. As with mathematics and science, there will be a need for more D&T teachers, and for an extensive professional development programme to run to allow existing teachers to improve their skills.
The potential of mutual benefit The modelPurposeful activity in one subject is enhanced by the utility of other subjects In design & technology The making of design decisions is enhanced bythe utility of science and mathematics The mutual benefit The utilisation of science and mathematics enhances pupil achievement not only in design & technology but also in science and mathematics The challenge Demonstrating the enhanced achievement Curriculum inequalities
Unless it’s a two way street why would anyone bother? Curriculum inequalities
BRIAN ARTHUR Technology defined as the exploitation of phenomena revealed by science Exploiting phenomena Teaching in the light of STEM
3D Printing Shape and space Scale Material propertiesGeometric properties
Teaching in the light of STEM Neurotechnology Sensing & measuringData handling Nervous system
Teaching in the light of STEM Embedded intelligence (Internet of Things) Sequencing AlgorithmsCircuit concepts Circuit equations
Convincing the doubters A warning from Illah Nourbakhsh Whereas isolated STEM knowledge will not necessarily save a job from replacement by automation, the inspiration to bring knowledge from multiple disciplines together to solve any problem confidently will always have value.
Who are the stakeholders? Convincing the doubters PupilsParents Teachers Middle managers in school SLT in school School Governors Local Industry Local HE Local MP Local Business Local FE DfE Who has POWER?
Assessing the impact of STEM How will you know STEM initiatives have made a difference? Collect relevant data Lesson observation Feedback from teachers Feedback from pupils Short term Assessment data Option choices Medium term GCSE results Career choice/destina tions Long term Convincing the doubters
THE book on the subject
Take Home Messages 1.Differences between STEM subjects are legitimate and to be respected 2.By teaching in the light of STEM … 1.Learning in science and math can enhance learning in d&t 2.Learning in d&t can enhance learning in science and math 3.This requires planning but is NOT disruptive 3.Impact of STEM needs to be assessed
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