ESERO-UK Using space to enhance and support Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) teaching and learning in the UK ESERO-UK Teacher Conference.


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Presentation transcript:

ESERO-UK Using space to enhance and support Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) teaching and learning in the UK ESERO-UK Teacher Conference July 2013 Allan Clements ESERO-UK Manager

National network of Science learning centres National STEM Centre ESERO-UK Triple Science Project RCUK LSIS STFC – CERN Practical Work CPD with NCETM Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme Teachers TV STEM Careers Primary Science Specialist Pilot HEaTED EU Science in Society Bloodhound resources Stimulating Physics Network Myscience: science education projects

ESERO-UK: The UK space education office : Shares good practice, and space-related teaching and learning resources, with teachers and college lecturers. Acts as the first point of contact for the education and space communities when seeking information about space education and careers. Raises the profile of the education work of ESA, the UK Space Agency and the wider UK space community with schools and colleges.

ESERO-UK: The UK space education office Key deliverables include: A website to promote quality teaching and learning resources to educators throughout the UK. A group of space education ambassadors throughout the UK who build and maintain space education networks that bring coherence to the space education community and provide support to schools and colleges. High-quality training and support for teachers and lecturers. A physical collection of space education resources at the National STEM Centre.

ESERO-UK: Highlights and achievements A valuable Space Ambassador network that can deliver UK wide Worked with over 5700 teachers since teachers taking part in CPD space related resources located in the National STEM Centre eLibrary: In March 2013 there were over 3000 resource downloads per month Quality Assurance and Impact evaluation tools available Resource : Is there anybody out there? for primary schools

ESERO-UK: During 2013 to 2015 ESERO-UK will: In partnership with other appropriate organisations within the UK, ensure that a coherent space/astronomy ‘offer’ is available for teachers. Continue to work with teachers by facilitating the delivery of 600 teacher CPD training days that use space as an inspirational context to help enrich the teaching and learning of STEM subjects. Using an enlarged Space Ambassador Network, support 1500 schools and colleges to use the context of space in their science and mathematics teaching. Promote to schools the education and outreach components of European space missions, particularly Gaia in 2013 and Rosetta in Maintain and add to the National STEM Centre’s eLibrary resources that use the inspirational context of space.

Gaia launch September 2013 ESA’s Gaia mission which will make the largest, most precise three-dimensional map of our Galaxy by surveying more than a thousand million stars.

Rosetta -ESA Mission Launched ten years ago, the Rosetta spacecraft is chasing the comet Comet 67P and will despatch a lander on the comet at a rendezvous point more than five times the earth’s distance from the sun. One of its objectives will be to search for the evidence of early signs of life.

Conference Objectives Network with teachers who use space as a context for enriching the teaching of STEM subjects Hear about the latest science curriculum developments Learn from organisations carrying out contemporary science and explore how it might fit with the new curriculum Take part in practical science activities Explore the National STEM Centre Library Be inspired by UK contributions to international space projects Be aware of future space missions that will inspire your pupils Leave with lots of ideas to help enrich your teaching of STEM subjects

Website links

Finally – A ‘UK’ astronaut - a great opportunity!!