Science update K-4 Amy Sabarre PK-4 Science Coordinator
Share and Shine Find another teacher from your grade level and take one minute to share with them your favorite science lesson from last year Find another teacher from your grade level and take one minute to share with them your favorite science lesson from last year What made it a great lesson? What made it a great lesson? How did the kids act during it? How did the kids act during it? Now shine!
Where to find stuff: Pacing guides (my website) Pacing guides (my website) Curriculum framework: Many of the questions are going to come directly from framework (Essential Knowledge, Skills and Processes) Curriculum framework: Many of the questions are going to come directly from framework (Essential Knowledge, Skills and Processes) Ex. 1 st grade “compare the movement of objects, using graphs, pictures and/or numbers” Ex. 1 st grade “compare the movement of objects, using graphs, pictures and/or numbers” New Enhanced Scope and Sequence set to come out August 31 st New Enhanced Scope and Sequence set to come out August 31 st TEI TEI TEI
Materials Please provide a list of items you need at least 3 weeks in advance Please provide a list of items you need at least 3 weeks in advance Send this info through your science contact Send this info through your science contact Bring all science materials to central science storage location Bring all science materials to central science storage location I will be replacing consumables in the next two weeks I will be replacing consumables in the next two weeks
Resources Science K-4 website Science K-4 website I-STEM website I-STEM website PBS PBS Science A-Z Science A-Z Discovery Streaming Discovery Streaming Concord Concord Handouts Handouts Anneberg Media Anneberg Media
Testing Rigor Similar to math rigor in last years test Similar to math rigor in last years test Multi-step problems Multi-step problems Focus on higher level thinking Focus on higher level thinking
Textbook adoption Will begin to form a committee in the fall Will begin to form a committee in the fall Would like one representative from each school in each grade level Would like one representative from each school in each grade level
Survey Exit ticket Exit ticket I just want to get a pulse for what the needs are I just want to get a pulse for what the needs are