Federal Electronic Records Management: Current Trends and Tools Brave New World of E-Records Puget Sound Region Records Management Seminar June 23, 2010 Bill Greathouse National Archives and Records Administration
Electronic Records Trends Increasing cost Increasing complexity Increasing volume Increasing use of e- mail Records management a low priority 2
Government Accountability Office Reports The Challenges of Managing Electronic Records June 17, 2010; 18 pages Electronic Records Archives June 2010; 6 pages and attachments 3
Cost Federal information technology spending, 86 billion dollars a year and growing Enterprise electronic records management system $100,000 to $250,000 NARA Electronic Records Archive Spent: over 300 million dollars Estimated: 567 million dollars 4
Complexity Digital audio Digital video Geographical information systems Shared content Embedded content Dynamically created content 5
Complexity (continued) Social media Blogs, wikis, tweets, etc. 4,800 Different Formats The ERA: Technology to Aid Archivists and Historians winter/era.html 6
Volume Census Bureau 600 to 800 Million Image Files (2000 Census) Bush Administration 77 terabytes of data 35 times as much as Clinton DOE National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center 3.9 petabytes of data 7 4,000,000,000,000,000 bytes
“It is unstructured data, and it can be about anything, or about several subjects in the same message, making it difficult to classify by content.” User classification problem At least 24 million messages from Clinton Administration 8
Tools Cloud computing csrc.nist.gov/groups/SNS/cloud- computing/cloud-def-v15.doc Big bucket schedules Open Government Initiative Electronic Records Archives Higher priority for records management 9
The End Questions? Now Or later… Bill Greathouse