Katrina: Up Close & Personal
Stennis Space Center Covington, LA Bay St Louis, MS Long Beach, MS Ocean Springs, MS NCDDC: Personal Impact Statements
IT support to Mississippi Department of Marine Resources Facilitate partnered Post-Katrina grant proposals Environmental Assessment web site - Change detection - Imagery products - Grounded boat count - Storm surge analysis - Internet mapping Post-Katrina Support Activities
Mississippi Department of Marine Resources
NESDIS – MDMR Partnership Replace destroyed equipment Desktop PCs; ruggedized laptops; printers; servers; network hardware Data recovery underway Oyster habitat, finfish & enforcement data
EGT/EOP Post-Katrina Grant Proposals Tri-State coalition: monitoring, assessment, and integrated ecosystem data management (federal, state, and academia USM/CenGOOS: bathymetry surveys; monitoring & assessment for environmental impact; data management NRL: Response for environmental impact; in situ obs, remote sensing, & numerical modeling components LSU Biogeochemistry Wetlands Institute: Katrina’s impact on Breton Sound, La marshes
Mapping Mississippi Coastal Counties - Infrastructure & facilities - Imagery - FEMA destruction zones - Change detection - Grounded boat count * Also linked to Environmental Impact of Hurricane Katrina website Katrina Impact Assessment Website
Change Detection: Gulf Islands National Seashore acres lost
Aqua 7 Sept false color – light plumes TSMTerra Oct 24 post front – re-suspended sediment MODIS Aqua/Terra Turbidity Products: Lake Pontchartrain (NASA ESD)
Over 4000 boat counts with GPS coordinates Provided to MDMR, FEMA, and USCG for assessment and removal Briefed to Mississippi congressional delegations Grounded Boat Count
Storm Surge Analysis Demographics; reporting and infrastructure updates Flood levels observable via mouse drag across screen Tool developed through NESDIS grant to JSU
Katrina Impact Assessment Website demonstration