1 1 YCC Internal Regattas 2015 S. Damjanovic and A. Vanbellingen, CERN, 23 November 2015
2 DateEvent 1Sunday May 03Monthly I (Opening Regatta) 2Sunday May 17Monthly II 3Sunday June 14Traversée du Lac 4Sunday July 12Monthly III 5Sunday August 09Trois Heures de Versoix 6Week-end 29/30 AugustMatch Race for Ynglings 7Sunday September 06Drag Race 8Sunday September 27Monthly IV 9Sunday October 11Monthly V (Closing Regatta) 9 regattas planned succeeded in running 6 3 regattas, Monthly I, Trois heures de Versoix and Yngling Match Race cancelled YCC Regatta Calendar 2015
3 YCC Regatta Participation In total 54 YCC members took part in the Monthly Regattas, about 45 boats were participating out of which 64% were dinghies and 36% keelboats Regatta Participation -Statistics since 2003
YCC Internal Regattas Championship Best Skippers 1 st place in Dinghy Alexandre Vanbellingen 1 st place in Keelboat Thiery Boileau 2 nd place in Dinghy Sanja Damjanovic 2 nd place in Keelboats Giovanni Dadaglio
5 Organization Regattas, as any club activity, were organized by volunteers. Thanks to all the help and dedication of our individual regatta organizers, co-organizers and additional helpers as well as motorboat drivers and crew members Special thanks to: Giovanni Dadaglio, Eduard Dorenbos, Patrick Diday, François Enzler, Torsten Layda, Ursula Vogel and to Rob Veenhof for driving the Q-boat. Congratulation finally to all the regatta participants All the regattas were a great success