eMenthe workpackage 2 (TCD) The aim of this package was to identify key stakeholders perceptions of the required elearning components for advanced mental health practice within the three identified themes. The goals were: - To gather information from key stakeholders in participating countries on current and future needs in the three themes - To collate this information in each partner site
Milestones and Timetable A number of milestones were identified to guide the WP and to ensure that specific deliverables were achieved in a timely manner. 1)Development of a timetable for this package (November 2013) 2)Preparation of the interview guide (November 2013) 3)Selection and preparation of students involved in the information gathering (Nov and Dec 2013) 4)Collection and analysis of information gathering in each country (Dec 2013 – Feb 2014)
TCD led this package and were responsible for overseeing and monitoring the progress and completion of the WP.
Process Process Guidelines for the completion of the WP were prepared by TCD in consultation with the other partner Universities. These were presented, finalised and agreed during the kick-off meeting held at Tampere in November WP 2 involved collecting data from three groups of key stakeholders: 1.MSc Mental Health students 2.Senior and expert mental health nurses 3.Mental health service users
An interview guide for each of the data collection phases was designed by TCD. In addition a template for collating and presenting the data was also designed. This was to ensure consistency across all partner universities and to ensure ease of transition from WP2 to WP3. Progress was monitored regularly by the coordinating team and this was facilitated by a conference call with the project partners as well as support as required. Partners were required to submit their data by the 21st February 2014 which was then to be collated and sent to Sweden (WP3) for analysis on the 28th February 2014.
Outcomes Data on the three themes were received from all of the partner Universities except one. These were collated onto one document and sent to WP3 on the 28th of February as planned. There were some delays in receiving the data but these were easily facilitated as we were made aware in advance. Arrangements were made for those reports to be forwarded to Sweden as soon as they were available.
Outcomes Ethical approval was granted and no ethical issues of note were reported. There were some recruitment concerns in Dublin and Halmstad and this resulted in a low number of students signing up to the initial focus groups and subsequent difficulties recruiting senior and expert nurses in the planned way. Subsequently, the second phase of the data collection process was conducted in an eclectic fashion either through face to face interviews with the partner academics or through self-completed questionnaires. Similarly, the interviews with service user and family groups were conducted differently in each site. TCD conducted face to face interviews while Halmsted conducted focus groups and TAMK completed telephone interviews.
Outcomes In terms of data, a large volume of data was generated from the data collection process. Although a lifespan approach was adopted throughout the data collection, the themes were described in more general ways with only some information pertinent to specific age groups.
Some Observation on the Data 1)When we collated the data we noticed that there were commonalties across all the partner sites. 2)From the initial analysis of our own data, there were similarities in terms of the data from each group. 3)In addition there were differences in the amount of data that were generated across the lifespan with the three themes (e.g. child and adolescent, older person). 4)Similarly some themes were discussed in less depth than others (e.g. mental health promotion).
Some Observation on the Data 5)This might suggest that there may be a deficit of knowledge among some of the groups in certain areas. 6)As a result, these themes may be more reliant on the literature review for development of the eLearning materials.
Overall Comments The WP ran smoothly and adhered to the timeframes established. As identified there were some delays in data submission from partner universities. However it is realistic to expect these delays at times but the response to these delays is important. Communication between all partners is essential to ensure the smooth completion and handover of WP.
Dissemination A poster based on the procedures from WP 2 was presented at the International Nursing Conference at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland in February 2014.