CALMAC Rafael Friedmann February 21, 2007
AGENDA 9:30-9:35 Welcome & Update Agenda - Rafael Friedmann CALMAC Chair for :35-10:05 IOU's plans for process evaluations of EE programs. 10:05-10:20 CPUC-ED's plans for impact evaluations of EE programs. 10:20-10:35 Open discussion of topics for future meetings, timetable for these, etc. 10:35-10:45 Break 10:45-11:45 Open discussion of following topics: - Evaluation challenges in the current context: NTG - market effects vs. free riders, Attribution in a world increasingly full of "WalMart", etc. - Coordination of IOU & CPUC-ED studies, - Updates of Overarching Studies (DEER, Load Shape, EE Potential, etc) - Local Partnership and TPI study results - Other as determined at opening 11:45-12:-00 Concluding remarks/agenda for future meetings
Welcome ♦Role for Calmac –Serve as a repository for all EE & DR research in CA –Serve as a forum for exchange of ideas on issues related to the evaluation of EE, and possibly DR, and CSI efforts –Serve as a forum for identifying areas for future research On specific programs/portfolio’s evaluations On Methodological issues ♦Ground rules –Respect for others –Respect differences of opinion –Candor Welcome! –Collaborate to find solutions ♦Plan monthly meetings w/at least 2 workshops in 2007 to showcase evaluation studies results
PG&E’s “Process” Evaluations ♦Plan to Evaluate Each Market Segment –Mass Market –Office/Large Commercial –Fabrication/Heavy Industry –Agriculture/Food Processing –Hospitality –Retail –Medical –Hi-Tech –Schools/Colleges –Emerging Technologies –Codes & Standards
PG&E’s “Process” Evaluations ♦Effort will vary according to complexity and importance of a market segment to portfolio savings goals ♦Intent is to have all these contracted by early 2Q 2007 ♦RFPs already out for Mass Market, Schools/Colleges ♦RFPs for all others under elaboration ♦Welcome firms expressing interest on specific RFPs. Send to
PG&E’s “Process” Evaluations ♦Update program theory, document program activities, and compare program operation with theory. ♦Assess and make recommendations on program documentation and processes needed to support energy savings estimation. ♦Conduct segment-specific market assessments and/or market characterizations to provide salient market characteristics, economic data, and customer profile information ♦Investigate barriers to program participation and other obstacles to program implementation. ♦Evaluate how the program meets PG&E portfolio needs. ♦Recommend improvements and solicit implementers’ feedback on usefulness of the recommendations.
Evaluation in a Brave New World! ♦Changing Environment –Industries rushing to be “Green” –Increased political attention to Climate Change –Heightened market & customer awareness and uptake ♦Can we still Measure Accurately in this Changing Environment? –NTG, Spillover, Attribution –Policies & Protocols aligned with context ♦How do we inform future program design?
Expanding the Evaluator Pool ♦Bring new entrants to our field by reaching out to: American Evaluators Association International Evaluation Institute American Marketing Association ♦ Expanding collaboration with Other States’ & Countries’ evaluators AESP ACEEE IEPEC ECEEE Academic Institutions (LBNL, ORNL, UC/CSU) ♦Enhancing Diversity in the Profession
CALMAC in 2007 ♦Monthly meeting at PEC –Every third Wednesday (except March) –9:30 to noon except for “evaluation results workshops” which would be 9:30 to 15:30 –Agenda based on topics submitted by 2nd Wednesday of each month –Could include presentations of 2 studies ♦Evaluation Results Workshops –At least 2, possibly up to 4 –First one on EM&V studies –Second on IOU Process & CPUC Impact Studies results –What are the key drivers? –How can PGC-funded programs be most effective? –How can we measure the success of PGC- funded efforts? –What are the implications for policy?