From HSFEPP to HSR: Changing Structure, Changing Culture Thursday, October 1, 2015
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Question? Question? Will Adding a Flex Block Change A School’s Culture?
Flexibility Paradox Many of the changes we have made could have easily been done without HSFEPP or HSR Many of the changes we have made could have easily been done without HSFEPP or HSR Without the HSFEPP we probably wouldn’t have made so many changes Without the HSFEPP we probably wouldn’t have made so many changes
HSFEP Foundational Principles HSFEP Foundational Principles History of HSFEPP & History of HSFEPP & Struggles Struggles Culture Culture Personalization Personalization Overcoming Barriers to HSFEP: Teacher Collaboration and Professional Development Overcoming Barriers to HSFEP: Teacher Collaboration and Professional Development
Foundational Principles Foundational Principles Flexible Learning Environments Mastery Learning Rigourous and Relevant Curriculum
Foundational Principles Foundational Principles Home and Community Involvement Assessment Welcoming, Caring, Respectful, and Safe
Foundational Principles Foundational Principles Meaningful Relationships Personalization Educator Roles and Professional Development
How Did we Start Our Journey? Nine years ago we collected data to inform and improve our practices/initiated a school wide assessment. Nine years ago we collected data to inform and improve our practices/initiated a school wide assessment. How did we compare to the province in 2006? How did we compare to the province in 2006? How do we compare today? How do we compare today?
We Asked Three Questions of our Stakeholders: What are we doing well? What are we doing well? Not so well? Not so well? How do we make a “Cultural Change” to meet the learning needs of our Students? How do we make a “Cultural Change” to meet the learning needs of our Students?
Flexible Learning SGCHS Seminar Seminar Personal Learning Time (PLT) Personal Learning Time (PLT) Directed Learning Room (DLR) Directed Learning Room (DLR) Teacher Collaborative Time (TCT) Teacher Collaborative Time (TCT)
From Structure to SGCHS Core Teacher Pairings in Gr. 10 Core Teacher Pairings in Gr. 10 Multi-Graded Complimentary Courses Multi-Graded Complimentary Courses Multiple Opportunities for Improvement Re/Assessment Multiple Opportunities for Improvement Re/Assessment InReach InReach
Struggles Exclusive Education to Inclusive Education Exclusive Education to Inclusive Education Teacher Centered to Student Centered Teacher Centered to Student Centered Compliance to Commitment Compliance to Commitment
Welcoming, Caring, Respectful, and Safe Provide three examples of actions, beliefs, or attitudes that you would consider to be evident of a positive school culture.
Personalization What does successful personalized learning look like?
Overcoming Barriers: Educator Roles and Professional Development How, and what type, of data/evidence do you need to collect in order to make informed decisions regarding a cultural shift in your School?
Contact Us Darlene Marcikevics, Principal: Darlene Marcikevics, Principal: Katherine Mann, Asst. Principal: Katherine Mann, Asst. Principal: Anil Padayas, Asst. Principal: Anil Padayas, Asst. Principal: Chris Shaw, Asst. Principal: Chris Shaw, Asst. Principal:
Bell Schedule