Positive School Climate CAMBRIAN SCHOOL DISTRICT NOVEMBER 19, 2015
Overview Cambrian School District LCAP Goal #3 Cambrian School District Positive School Climate Model Assessing Our Progress What’s Working? The Vision Questions
Cambrian LCAP Goal #3 Cambrian School District Schools will be a supportive, orderly and purposeful environment in which students and staff feel safe and free to learn and work.
Cambrian School District Positive School Climate Model Maintain a community in a school that reduces risk factors for students and promotes protective factors. Maintain a community in a school that recognizes and values the contributions of all: staff, students, and parents. Maintain a context that will move students up the ladder of achievement. Promote an atmosphere that encourages positive relationships between all stakeholder groups (administration/teacher, teacher/teacher, teacher/student, student/student).
Cambrian School District Positive School Climate Model ► Early detection, identification and documentation of inappropriate behavior ► Developmental & character education ► Staff/parent capacity building ► School-based behavioral team ► Referral system ► School wide positive behavior Initiative/Incentives ► District & site level leadership ► Evaluation
Assessing Our Progress Climate surveys Reduced conflicts Decreases in absentee rate Increases in informal positive socialization A sense of community is evident Reduction and eventually the elimination of all forms of violence
What’s Working? Morning pledge & announcements “Greeter” every morning that sees every child in the school Class meetings/assemblies to reflect on school climate Consistent classroom management Teaching the student behavior expectations Utilizing the school-wide positive initiative for students who improve behaviors or show respect to others Strategies for self control Staff utilize stress reduction techniques (sense of humor) Peer mediators/ student leaders and mentors
Positive Behavior Intervention & Support Systems
School Climate Survey 2015 ( 347 responded via LCAP survey, 2015
Positive Behavior Intervention & Support Implementation Outcomes Overall decrease over the past 4 years Well below national average Major Referrals Significant decrease from over the last 4 years Well below 25 th percentile of national data Average Daily Referrals Steady decrease over the last 4 years Remains below national average Suspensions
School Suspensions
Attendance Rate Why is attendance important? Support the whole child Consistent on going learning Connect with school Average Daily Attendance funding based on attendance
Community Partnerships Project Cornerstone Almaden Valley Counseling Services Xilinx Corporation Santa Clara Office of Education Almaden Community Center & San Jose City Parks & Recreation (The ROCK) Cambrian Community
Early Detection & Intervention Student Success Team Process PBIS Tier 2 interventions Check-in Check-out Staff Mentoring Program Behavior Plan 12 hours of counseling services at every ES 5 full days of counseling at Price MS
Parent Engagement Project Cornerstone – “Take it Personally” Parent Education Class Santa Clara County Office of Education Parent Education Series “The Chill Room” – Run by Parent Volunteers Project Cornerstone Asset Building Champions Art Vistas Classroom Parent Volunteers
Student Leadership Student Council Leadership Project Cornerstone Kids Expect to Respect Workshops Recess Conflict Resolutions Managers Life Skills of Week – Morning Announcements & Key Messages
“The Vision” School wide consistency Creates safe and positive school culture Consistent and effective classroom management Core behavior team provides leadership Ongoing training and ongoing assistance Systemic change that leads to positive change every year