Texas Educator Appraisal Education Service Center Region 13 C-RAC 2015
Why Change? Because Teacher Quality Matters “Teaching had 6 to 10 times as much impact on achievement as all other factors combined.” Michael Schmoker “If education leaders want to close the achievement gap, they must focus, first and foremost, on developing qualified teachers.” Katy Haycock “Success [in education] hinges on what happens at the classroom level.” Thomas Guskey
Training Requirements Training delivery T-TESS Appraiser – 3 days, online certification T-PESS Appraiser – 2 days Advancing Educational Leadership – 3 days
Advancing Educational Leadership
Five AEL Themes Creating Positive School Culture Establishing and Sustaining Vision and Goals Improving Instruction Developing Self and Others Managing Data and Processes
Advancing Educational Leadership
Seven AEL Strands Curriculum and Instruction Team Building Teacher Coaching and Mentoring Goal Setting Effective Conferencing Conflict Resolution Data Gathering and Analysis
A WEBSITE FOR CONTINUOUS LEARNING A website for resources and continuous learning
EVERY teacher establishes individual goals for professional growth and increased effectiveness. EVERY teacher receives feedback to identify and area of REINFORCEMENT (= GLOW). EVERY teacher receives feedback to identify and area of REFINEMENT (= GROW). Collective, campus wide investment in Continuous Improvement. T-TESS, T-PESS and AEL ARE GROWTH-ORIENTED MODELS
…that is so central to the work that we wonder why it took so long to embrace it. Such an innovation is the belief that we can develop self-directed persons through effective coaching and… a supportive process that is rooted in reflection, supported by evidence, and anchored in feedback. EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE, AN INNOVATION COMES ALONG….
Information Chris O’Reilly