Variables! Objective: You will be able to identify independent variables, dependent variables, and controls in an experimental set-up. Itinerary: Review Definitions/Relate to Experiment GAME!! Worksheet (finish for homework!)
Vocabulary Words Definition What you change in an experiment (IV = I Change) What you measure in an experiment The “normal” group that the experimental group is compared to Picture Word Independent Variable (IV) Dependent Variable (DV) Control
Game You want to test the effect of different soaps on the growth of bacteria. You put dove on one dish of bacteria, dawn on another dish, and nothing on another dish. You measure how many bacterial colonies are growing after 4 days. Independent Variable: Dependent Variable: Control: Different soaps Growth of bacteria Dish with no soap on it
Game Beth wants to see if eating bananas will make her run faster. She tests her speed on 3 different days. On day 1, she eats no bananas. On day 2, she eats 1 banana. On day 3, she eats 2 bananas. Each day, she times how long it takes her to run the mile. Independent variable: Dependent variable: Control: Bananas Run faster Day 1 – no bananas
Game You want to test the effect of colored light on the growth of marigolds. You set up five marigolds under blue light bulbs, five under red light bulbs, and five under normal growing lights. After 10 days, you measure how high they’ve grown. Independent variable: Dependent variable: Control: Colored lights Growth of marigolds Plants with no light
Game You want to see what type of paper makes paper planes fly farther than normal notebook paper. Independent variable: Dependent Variable: Control: Types of paper Fly farther “normal” paper to make paper airplane
Game You want to see what type of toothpaste makes teeth the whitest. Independent variable: Dependent Variable: Control: Different toothpastes Whitest teeth No toothpaste or generic/plain toothpaste
Constant Word Definition Picture The parts of the experiment that you keep the same every time you do it Constant