January 6, 2012 IAABO Bd. 6
“FEEL” What is it? How do we get it? Prepared by John McDonnell (former Bd. 6 Interpreter) and modified by Peter Palermino and Mike Infantino
Commissioner - “How did he/she do last night?” Observer - “Excellent mechanics and good hustle but his “feel” for the game isn’t very good. Observer - “I saw her work last night for the first time. A real prospect. She has a great “feel” for the game, but really has to work on her mechanics.”
Definition of ”feel”... having a sensitive appreciation or an intuitive understanding...
“Feel” is an impression you sense – CONFIDENCE “Feel” is something that’s intuitive – COMMON SENSE
Key Characteristics: - great decision maker - understands advantage/disadvantage - views the contest from perspective of all involved
- understands the game THAT night; when it changes - understands the LEVEL of play - knows what, when, and how to say something - recognizes the “game changers”
- exhibits great interpersonal skills - is calm, confident, consistent, and exhibits courage - knows when to: smile/frown; ignore/respond; emphasize/penalize; intervene/prevent
All previous items are great examples But-- The key characteristic to exhibit is....
Anticipation The ability to anticipate the PLAY – NOT the call !!!
What makes this “feel” official able to anticipate the play ?
Knowledge, Experience, Willingness
--observe (yourself & others) --listen (give it to me straight) --evaluate yourself (honestly) --accept what you see/hear
Partners must have “Feel” - Be aware of the flow, pace, and game intensity. - Be aware of the score, fouls, and best player. - Know when to tighten and/or allow a flow. - Know when to come together to “get it right”. - Know when to “mirror” calls. - It’s not what “I” call but what “we” call.
Coaches - have a “feel” for official’s weakness. -if you are not confident, they can see it and feel it.
Coaches Officials with good FEEL: - realize that the personality of a team is reflected by behavior of Coach - if coach is out of control, the game and players will follow.
Having great “feel” is not Enough. Rules knowledge can NEVER be secondary !
Suggestion: - avoid officiating “in the moment” - see the whole picture, not just one play -use time-outs to assess what has happened, what may next transpire - when the ball is dead, keep your brain ALIVE
Suggestion: --watch game from 3 places; - under the hoop - behind a “vocal” coach - in the middle of “vocal” fans --keep a notebook --watch with an experienced official --no matter what level, continue to learn by watching and listening
Quote "Enjoy the game. Sometimes it's like work. When it is, go to work!" Mike Infantino – Bd 6 member
Bd 6 Follies Towels
Bill Cashman