Capacity Building in Sharing Forest and Market Information Workshop, Krtiny, Czech Republic, October 2005 UNECE/FAO work on Forest Products Statistics by Alex McCusker UNECE Timber Branch
Capacity Building in Sharing Forest and Market Information Workshop, Krtiny, Czech Republic, October 2005 Forest Products Statistics: Whom it serves…. Data are distributed to the global forest community through the international agencies collecting the data. The goal is to provide all stakeholders with up-to-date, consistent and reliable information.
Capacity Building in Sharing Forest and Market Information Workshop, Krtiny, Czech Republic, October 2005 UNECE/FAO data: how many users Number of valid queries per month in January February March April May June July August
Capacity Building in Sharing Forest and Market Information Workshop, Krtiny, Czech Republic, October 2005 Forest Products Data: who uses it…. January – Technical University, Zvolen, Slovakia Feb – Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia March – EFI, Joensuu, Finland April – Pro Futuro S.A., Warsaw, Poland May – Jakarta, Indonesia June – Government Centre, Seoul, Korea July – University of British Columbia, Canada Aug – University of British Columbia, Canada
Capacity Building in Sharing Forest and Market Information Workshop, Krtiny, Czech Republic, October 2005 Forest Products Data: international use UNECE – we use it in the Forest Products Annual Market Review and in the Timber Committee Market Statement. Data are made available on our website FAO – published on website and in Forest Products Yearbook Eurostat – published in Focus on Forestry and website
Capacity Building in Sharing Forest and Market Information Workshop, Krtiny, Czech Republic, October 2005 Within country Industry or Trade Associations State Forestry Service Ministries (Industry, Environment) Statistical Office Data Exchange - I National Correspondent
Capacity Building in Sharing Forest and Market Information Workshop, Krtiny, Czech Republic, October 2005 International Other ECE members Other FAO members EU/EFTA countries ITTO producer countries Data Exchange - II
Capacity Building in Sharing Forest and Market Information Workshop, Krtiny, Czech Republic, October 2005 Role of National Correspondent We seek to have in each country one person who coordinates the response of the country to the questionnaires. The correspondent should… know who is able to provide what information in the country have a good overview of the forest and forest products industry in the country be available to reply to queries from UNECE or FAO or individuals using the data not complete all questionnaires by himself
Capacity Building in Sharing Forest and Market Information Workshop, Krtiny, Czech Republic, October 2005 UNECE Data Request We request two questionnaires to be completed each year Joint Forest Sector Questionnaire, issued with FAO, Eurostat and ITTO Timber Committee forecast questionnaire In addition we request national correspondents to reply to queries and generally support the work of the FAO/UNECE Joint Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics
Capacity Building in Sharing Forest and Market Information Workshop, Krtiny, Czech Republic, October 2005 Timing The JFSQ is issued in early April each year with an initial response date of May 15 (for JQ1 and JQ2). It is not expected that these are final data. These replies form the basis for the Annual Market Review and the initial dataset made available at ECE and FAO in August. The remaining questionnaires are expected in the fall with publication taking place in January. The TCQ is issued in early August with a response date of September. Data are used for the Timber Committee meeting and then published.
Capacity Building in Sharing Forest and Market Information Workshop, Krtiny, Czech Republic, October 2005 JFSQ contents The JFSQ consists of a series of standard questionnaires (JQ1, JQ2, SP1), organization-specific questionnaires (ECE1, EU1-3, ITTO1-3), HS/SITC correspondence tables and definitions. Copies of the JQ can be found at
Capacity Building in Sharing Forest and Market Information Workshop, Krtiny, Czech Republic, October 2005 JQ1 – contents, focus… Production of roundwood (removals), sawnwood, wood-based panels, pulp and paper. Unit is in metric tons or cubic metres.
Capacity Building in Sharing Forest and Market Information Workshop, Krtiny, Czech Republic, October 2005 JQ2 – contents, focus… Trade of forest products (those from JQ1). Unit is national currency for value and metric tons or cubic metres for volume.
Capacity Building in Sharing Forest and Market Information Workshop, Krtiny, Czech Republic, October 2005 SP1 – contents, focus… Trade of secondary products, including joinery, wooden furniture, composite paper, books etc.Unit is national currency
Capacity Building in Sharing Forest and Market Information Workshop, Krtiny, Czech Republic, October 2005 ECE1 – contents, focus… Trade of roundwood and sawnwood by primary species Fir, pine, other Oak, beech, poplar, birch, other Unit is cubic meter and national currency
Capacity Building in Sharing Forest and Market Information Workshop, Krtiny, Czech Republic, October 2005 JFSQ – data sources For removals data, generally this comes from the State Forest Service. It should include all forest land in the country For production data (sawnwood, wood-based panels, pulp, paper) generally the State Statistical Office will supply data, preferably with support from other ministries and associations
Capacity Building in Sharing Forest and Market Information Workshop, Krtiny, Czech Republic, October 2005 JFSQ – data sources For trade data, information is usually available from customs offices and statistical offices we use the Harmonised System (HS2002) which is fully compatible with all national systems and the EU’s Combined Nomenclature (identical at 6-digit level) correspondents are asked to carefully review data for obvious errors such as unrealistic unit values ($1 / m.t. of paper!) or negative apparent consumption
Capacity Building in Sharing Forest and Market Information Workshop, Krtiny, Czech Republic, October 2005 TCQ contents The Timber Committee questionnaire consists of two questionnaires (TQ1, TQ2). These cover fewer products than JFSQ. We ask for production and trade (in volume,not value) The main focus is on the current and next year (e.g and 2006 this year)
Capacity Building in Sharing Forest and Market Information Workshop, Krtiny, Czech Republic, October 2005 TCQ contents forecasts should reflect the general economic trends wood-intensive sectors (furniture, housing) should be analysed to predict impact on wood demand special events such as storm damage or new investments should be reflected in the forecast we are more interested in the direction and intensity than numbers
Capacity Building in Sharing Forest and Market Information Workshop, Krtiny, Czech Republic, October 2005 Brief history/ Chronology JFSQ International organizations had been meeting on statistical issues since 1980s
Capacity Building in Sharing Forest and Market Information Workshop, Krtiny, Czech Republic, October 2005 Main Steps Chronology Intersecretariat Working Group on Forest Sector Statistics (IWG) - - Meeting in Geneva to start IWG in Meeting in Yokohama on basic principles - - Development of common JQ form Integration of Harmonised System trade classification HS2002 in 2004
Capacity Building in Sharing Forest and Market Information Workshop, Krtiny, Czech Republic, October 2005 Founders/ organisations… FAO, UNECE, Eurostat and ITTO are the four administering organizations. EU DG Enterprise also participates alongside Eurostat. EU DG Agriculture, OECD and EEA are IWG members, but have not participated in recent years…. The organizations meet on a regular basis to review the JFSQ and issues of importance in forest sector statistics…
Capacity Building in Sharing Forest and Market Information Workshop, Krtiny, Czech Republic, October 2005 IWG and its procedures (1) The IWG operates on the principal that each country should have a national correspondent and that there should be only one primary contact for the correspondent. This means all request for information go through one international agency to one correspondent.
Capacity Building in Sharing Forest and Market Information Workshop, Krtiny, Czech Republic, October 2005 IWG and its procedures (2) Current labour division: EU25/EFTA - Eurostat Other Europe, CIS, North America - UNECE Tropical producing countries - ITTO Rest of world - FAO
Capacity Building in Sharing Forest and Market Information Workshop, Krtiny, Czech Republic, October 2005 IWG and its procedures (3) The primary tool of data collection is the JFSQ. The IWG has agreed that data questions should only be asked once of a country and that the same data should exist in all international datasets. Each member publishes data on its own responsibility and own schedule.
Capacity Building in Sharing Forest and Market Information Workshop, Krtiny, Czech Republic, October 2005 IWG and its procedures (4) Information on IWG meetings can be found at: /trade/timber/mis/ The last meeting was January 2005 and another meeting is planned for next January.
Capacity Building in Sharing Forest and Market Information Workshop, Krtiny, Czech Republic, October 2005 Thank You ! We welcome your comments on the international collection of forest products statistics
Capacity Building in Sharing Forest and Market Information Workshop, Krtiny, Czech Republic, October 2005 Presented by Douglas Clark Forest Products Markets UNECE/FAO Timber Branch Office 435-1, Palais des Nations CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland Telephone Fax
Capacity Building in Sharing Forest and Market Information Workshop, Krtiny, Czech Republic, October 2005 Prepared by Alex McCusker Statistical Assistant UNECE/FAO Timber Branch Office 435, Palais des Nations CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland Telephone Fax