Island ケ αιδιά και ενήλικες Sarah Jane Devins,Damon S-S and Imogene Edson Yellow one Mr. Albritton
Children “How paramount the future is to the present when one is surrounded by children” -Charles Darwin
Our movie idea A teacher is droning on about Greece and it’s history, a child in the class falls asleep and drifts into a dream The dream is about the child in Greece, he goes around the Greek islands, everywhere he goes, he learns something about each place accompanied by a god or goddess teaching him. Real history of the Greek islands is included. It seems like forever, but at the end of the class period the child wakes up more revitalized to learn more from his teacher.
Greek Myths Throughout early centuries, myths and stories were told. In the Greek culture, during festivals, or big family dinners everyone would come together to speak about actual historical events and myths. They were passed from one generation to another over the years.
Why does this movie matter? This movie will peek the interest of children, enabling them to be more alert in school and ready to learn more. Historically speaking this movie has a number of facts about Greek history from each of the islands.
Our Income Income: Initially to make this movie we have a number of large investors. We believe that with the release of the movie, we will be able to pay them back, along with making a large profit. The graphics will be superb and if we run the commercails on Disney© Channel, Nickalodeon©, and PBS© (children hour), we will get the attention of parents and children all over America.
Greek Island History? Greek history is a vital componant of a well rounded education. The Greek culture has taught us so much, from the olympics to the maths and sciences that we learn today.
Greek Island History continued… Cyrus: Cyrus is the mythical birthplace of Aphrodite, Adonis and home to King Cinyras, Teucer and Pygmalion. Many wars, invasions and attacks took place on Cyrus throughout the island. The Mycenaean Greeks first reached Cyrus around 1600 BC, with settlements dating from this period scattered all over the island. Another wave of Greek settlement is believed to have taken place in the period BC, with the island's predominantly Greek character dating from this period.
Tales to be in our movie: Cyrus: An island of Greece. It’s tale: Monk gives orders before the Lenten fast that no one should make a fire for 40 days. After 20 days young monk was no longer able to withstand his hunger. The head monk told the young one to go and fetch eggs. The young monk took an egg and put it in his pocket, he then tried to think of a way to cook it without telltale smoke. With a candle and the egg he waited for an opportunity to cook it. But the head monk grew suspisious so he peered through the window. The startled young monk said “The devil made me do this”. Then the devil appeared and said, “no this is not my doing.” For his misdeed the young monk was banished from the temple.
Sites to work on? We were hoping to film the movie on some of the actual islands. Here are some of the beautiful islands….
Bibilography Pictures Research Greek Spider. Copyright All About Turkey ゥ Burak Sansal 1996–2008, a certified professional tour guide in Turkey. Eviavillas. Wikipedia.