Building Healthy & Safe Relationships Lesley Pyle & Catherine Turner 5 th July 2012
Aims & Objectives Understand what constitutes domestic abuse Raise awareness of Domestic Abuse in teenage relationships Raise awareness of resources available
Definition of Domestic Abuse “Any incident of threatening behaviour, violence or abuse (psychological, physical, sexual, financial or emotional) between adults who are or who have been intimate partners or family members, regardless of gender or sexuality. (Family members are defined as mother, father, son, daughter, brother, sister and grandparents, whether directly related, in-laws or step family.) This definition includes offences arising from Forced Marriage, female genital mutilation and honour based violence with victims of any age.” North Tyneside Domestic Abuse Partnership
Domestic Abuse Quiz
Power and Control Wheel
Power & Control “He was always watching me. He controlled where I went, who I was with, and what I wore. I had to be covered from head to toe, and if I wore a v-neck top he would insist that I got f…ing changed before going to work. We had sex when he said. If a meal was late, he would be verbally abusive and would say he didn’t want it – or sometimes he would throw the food at me. He demanded to know what I bought and wanted to check receipts to make sure I had not spent money on anything else. He didn’t like me talking to my friends – when they came around you could cut the air with a knife, so they stopped coming around. If I spoke to a man, it was even worse – he wanted to know who I was ‘slagging around with’. It was like walking on eggshells having to be so wary.” (Quote from a mother whoses child was killed by abuseive partner as a result of contact – ‘Twenty Nine Child Homicides’ Womens Aid 2004 report
DA Services in North Tyneside SAINT Acorns Harbour Victim Support
Questions & The Way Forward ?