Biomolecules Jeapardy!! Hosted By: Vanna Sasek
Carbs FatsProteinsMiscell
Row 1, Col 1 Maltose and Sucrose are isomers. What is an isomer (why do These taste different)? Same chemical formula, different structure.
1,2 Give one other term for fats Lipid, triglyceride
1,3 The molecules that form The building blocks of proteins. What are amino acids
1,4 Name for the process where Water is lost as two biomolecules Are joined together What is condensation (also called dehydration synthesis)
2,1 The hydrogen to oxygen ratio In all carboydrates is exactly.. What is 2:1
2,2 A fat molecule is composed of ___ Glycerol molecules chemically bound To ______ fatty acid molecules What is one, three
2,3 What are the names of these functional Groups found at either end of every Amino acid molecule? What is amine group and carboxylic acid group
2,4 What is the term for groups of atoms Found on molecules that have charges Or “sticky” ends? What is a functional group?
3,1 The chemical formula for Any DISACCHARIDE is: What is C 12 H 22 O 11 (1 water was removed)
3,2 This fatty acid would be an oil At room temperature, not a solid What is true..
3,3 What is the name for the bond That forms when two amino acids Join together? What is a peptide bond
3,4 Name for the process where Biomolecules are broken into Smaller units as water is split apart. What is hydrolysis?
4,1 Give an example of at least One sugar that is a monosaccharide Glucose/fructose/
4,2 Fats are (more dense/less dense) Than water. What is less dense
4,3 How many different amino acids Make up the proteins found in most living things? What is 20
4,4 Protein molecules go by another Name..what is it?? What is polypeptide?
5,1 Give an example of any polysacchardie BESIDES starch!!! What is cellulose, chitin, glycogen
5,2 What is the name for the type of lipid That is found in cell membranes; it Contains a charged portion and a Nonpolar (uncharged) portion. What is Phospholipid
5,3 What makes one protein different From another? The order or type of amino acids that make up the protein.
5,4 Name the monomers units that make up Each of the following polymers: Protein: Polysaccharides: Triglycerides: What are: amino acids; monosaccharides; glycerol and fatty acids