4-2 Jesus’ Life and Mission Begin Read page 95 – 99 and answer the FOR REVIEW questions on page 99
Aim: How did Jesus life and mission begin? I. Jesus’ Origin A. Annunciation – angel Gabriel telling Mary that her child was conceived by the Holy Spirit 1. Name him Jesus “Yahweh saved” 2. Immaculate Conception = Mary born without original sin, December 8 a. Original Sin the alienation of the whole human race from God 3. Mary and Joseph are from Nazareth
B. Gabriel also tell Joseph that Mary’s child is the Son of God C. Nativity Gospel stories of Jesus’ birth by Matthew and Luke 1.Jesus is born in Bethlehem “City of David” 2. Luke’s Gospel 11/18 a)Gabriel tell Mary b)visit her cousin Elizabeth 1)Magnificat = Mary’s own prayer of praise in the Jewish spirit ( read p. ) c)poor shepherds worship the newborn d)source of hope for the poor, fringes of society
3. Matthew Gospel a) Gabriel tells Joseph b)wise men/magi worship the newborn c)light to the nations, Gentiles II. His Early Years A.Circumcised at eight days, presented at the Temple B. Childhood in Nazareth C.learned carpentry trade of David D. at twelve years lost at the Temple 11/19
III.Baptized in the Jordan River by John the Baptist, his cousin A.Accepts His public mission B. Reveals the Trinity 1.Voice = Father 2. Jesus the Son 3. Dove = Holy Spirit
IV. Tempted in the Desert A. 40 days prayer and fasting to prepare for his mission B. tempted by the devil 1.economic or material, turning stone into bread 2. earthly political power, to control all the kingdom of the world 3. magic or works of wonder as a way of tricking, manipulating people, jump off the top of the Temple C. sustain by His Fathers words “This is my Son, the Beloved” D. retuned to his hometown of Nazareth in the region of Galilee
Aim: What were the Councils on Jesus? I. Heresies were the reason for the councils A.Heresies are false understanding of the essential truths of the Christian faith 1.Arianism Jesus was more human but less divine 2.Gnosticism – denied Jesus’ humanity B.ecumenical meaning “worldwide”
II. Council of Nicaea 325 Nicene Creed declaring the divinity of God the Son to be one substance and one nature with that of God the Father. III.Council of Constantinople 381 inserted into the Nicene Creed declaring the truth that the Holy Spirit proceeded from both the Father and the Son. IV.Council of Ephesus 431 defined the Catholic dogma that the Blessed Virgin is the Mother of God V.Council of Chalcedon 451 affirmed the basic Christian belief in the Incarnation, Jesus is truly God and Truly human