Kindergarten Newsletter Mrs. Leland’s Class For the week of August 20-24, 2012 Language Arts Focus: Review “Popcorn Words” Math Focus: Notes from Mrs. Leland:Calendar Notes: This week we will start our “Name Helper” activities. If you were at the parent night you might have remembered me talking about your child’s blue “My Friends” folder. This folder is where all your name helper papers will go into. They will not need to be returned, but are just there to help work on letters and remembering friends’ names. Our name helper activities allow us to practice seeing letters in names. We will be discussing vowels and consonants as well as syllables. We will refer to the “All About Me” paper you and your child filled out. We will use this paper to ask your child questions the day he or she is our name helper! (If you have not turned in your All About Me paper, please do so as soon as possible.) We will also be reviewing our popcorn words this week. By the end of this week, the student’s should be able to recognize am, I, and will simply by seeing them. (In other words, they should not sound them out.) Finally, this week we will begin our work stations. We will have 5 total stations where the students will either be at a math station, reading group station with me, a working with letters station, computer station, or art station each day. As for math this week, we will continue exploring our five main shapes. They are: circle, triangle, rectangle, square, and hexagon. I have noticed that a lot of students knew what an octagon was before they knew the word hexagon. When I held up a hexagon, many students called it an octagon. Please take time to review with your child that a hexagon has six sides and six corners. We will be creating a shape book this week in order to really zone in on each individual shape. Also this week in math we will be doing some sorting. We will be sorting by one attribute. For example, sort by color, or sort by shape, or sort by size, etc. We will also take a look at observing items that are the same and different. What makes them the same/different? These are in our math packet Topic 13 Lessons 1 and 2. What a wonderful first full week! I am excited about how quickly the students are learning their popcorn words! They are becoming wonderful readers! School pictures will be this Tuesday! Please return your picture envelopes if you would like to order school pictures! Items we need: empty toilet paper rolls for an upcoming craft Please send in a note if your child will be going home a different way. Homework Folders are due every Monday! This means they should have been returned today! *See reverse side for special class schedule Tuesday, August 21: Picture Day Thursday, August 23: Kindergarten Educational Meeting at the high school Monday, September 3: Labor Day – No School Saturday September 15: PTO Family Picnic am I will Contact Information: Room: 205 Phone: ext Website:
Special Class Schedule Monday: Library Tuesday: Art Wednesday: Music Thursday: Gym Friday: Library