october 15, 2003 ITALIAN ICT MARKET undersized in a european context Italy’s share = 9,2% vs. Germany’s sh. = 21,3% U.K.’s sh. = 17% France’s sh. = 14,7% 2002 data
october 15, 2003 ITALIAN ICT MARKET negative growth trend in 2002 ( - 0,5%) Impact of economic downturn Low level of investment by small / medium size companies
october 15, 2003 ITALIAN ICT MARKET performance of ICT market variable across the different components Weak growth of TLC market Sharp fall in IT market Slowdown in the growth of software and services, key drivers of IT market
october 15, 2003 ITALIAN ICT MARKET as a whole, poor Italy’s innovation performance still relatively low Internet penetration (especially in households and schools) slow spread of e commerce and e business lack of basic IT training Recent appointment of Ministry of innovation should improve global performance
october 15, 2003 ITALIAN ICT MARKET lack of basic IT training 50% of working population use computer at work ( 63% basic ICT users) 18% have ever had basic training falling trends in training market
october 15, 2003 ITALIAN ICT MARKET “The cost of ignorance in the information society” Survey implemented by AICA and SDA Bocconi University to quantitatively assess the cost of computer ignorance The study discovered that lack of IT literacy is costing the country’s economy roughly Euro 15 billions annualy It was proved that basic IT preparation ( ECDL like) can significantly help slash this cost