Case Study Work
The problem A country does not have a hadron therapy facility. The government has been briefed that many alternative options/designs can be considered. You have been requested to consider the possible alternatives, choose one and produce a preliminary study.
The task You shall first of all decide which particle species the proposed facility shall provide and explain the reasons of your choice. Non-clinical reasons can also be considered like "establishing an accelerator community for the future creation of other research facilities" or "part of the beam time will be used for non clinical research". A few alternative designs between those proposed in literature shall be considered and compared. Finally one type of center shall be chosen and a baseline design shall be carried out.
Aspects to describe Assumptions on the number of patients per year, time dedicated to treatments, QA, machine development and maintenance. Assumed number of fractions, number of fields per fraction, time needed for patient handling. Overall design parameters – Beam energies, intensity, spot size. Beam delivery system(s) Technical specification – Source, injectors, accelerator, extraction systems, transfer lines An idea of the expertise needed to build and operate the facility Time scale for construction, accelerator commissioning, clinical beam qualification, clinical trials Cost estimate, reimbursement fees, running cost, yearly income. Limitations of the facility
Working groups
Group 1 ValentinaBellinzonaUniversity of Pavia Jose LuisAbelleira FernandezCERN AlexanderWastlMedAustron DanielAdjeiInstitute of Optoelectronics NawinJuntongSynchrotron Light Research Institute ChristianSchoemersHIT Group 2 JennyDueckPSI SejlaMizic-BajricMedAustron MichaelBodendorferCERN StefanoBenedettiCERN EPFL - TERA Foundation LuisMora VallejoCERN XanderJanssenVDL ETG Research ViktorIakovenkoKiev Institute for Nuclear Research
Group 3 MarenEberhardtVarian Medical Systems EvgeniiaSukhikhTomsk Polytechnik University JoseSanches AriasMedAustron GhislainRoyCERN JoachimWallnerMedAustron PoompisPattaranutapornMahidol University Group 4 JasonWuZion Biotech SophieSeidelHelmholtz Zentrum Berlin DamienPerreletCERN OliverTrieblMedAustron MathiasEichingerMedAustron YuliaKluchevskayaNRNU MEPhI
Group 5 EvelinaJaselkyteHospital of Lithuania RobertoLopezCERN SebastianBrachtGSI SebastienPelletierMedAustron StefanoPioliUniversity of Rome "La Sapienza" MarkusStrohmeierMarburg Ion beam Therapy Center Group 6 JasnaJunuzovicMedAustron MartinaSenzacquaUniversita' degli studi di Roma, La Sapienza AlexandreLasheenCERN JuanEsteban MullerCERN/EPFL MatthiasKronbergerMedAustron AnthonyHugginsVarian Medical Systems Particle Therapy JukkaJaatinenUniversity of Jyvaskyla
Group 7 AdrianaRossiCERN JorgeGiner NavarroCERN MohammedAlmalkiGSI ChristophKurfuerstMedAustron LucaSabatoUniversity of Sannio JarnoAlaraudanjokiUniversity of Jyvaskyla Group 8 MarynaKanapelkaJIPNR ConcepcionOliverCIEMAT MarcoGarlascheCERN TobiasStadlbauerMedAustron RupertLangeggerMedAustron YuanXuPeking University
Group 9 SamPitmanThe Cockcroft Institute BenjaminKoubekCERN Jose MPerezCIEMAT MatjazRepovzMedAustron ManuelFuertingerMedAustron MarcoEspositoADAM SA Group 10 WiolettaKozlowskaCERN KatarinaSedlackovaSlovak University of Technology StefanSchwarzMedAustron Ricardo Manueldos Santos AugustoCERN ClausSchmitzerMedAustron ManuelBennaVarian Medical Systems DominikPeruskoCosylab D.D.
Group 11 HanLiUppsala University ValeriaRizzoglioPaul Scherrer Institut Jamesdela CruzCanadian Light Source Inc. VelikoDimovCERN MauroPiviMedAustron SebastianRotheCERN Group 12 ValeriaLanteCNAO SilviaSchuhCERN IlyaAshanin NRNU MEPhI BasilGonsalvesCERN PatricioNadigMedAustron JeromeSchwindlingCEA Saclay ClaudeKrantz