C.V.T. GEORGIKI ANAPTIXI – Canakkale, 15 – Implementation of a quality assurance system for training in organic food retail EcoQualifyIII Agreement no: GR1-LEO
C.V.T. GEORGIKI ANAPTIXI – Canakkale, 15 – Activities carried out by C.V.T. Georgiki Anaptixi during the 1 st project’s year
C.V.T. GEORGIKI ANAPTIXI – Canakkale, 15 – WP1: “Project management and administration”
C.V.T. GEORGIKI ANAPTIXI – Canakkale, 15 – Preparation and Participation to the kick-off meeting which held in Vienna during 18th – 19th of November Preparation of the minutes of the kick-off minutes and circled it among to the partnership. 3.Preparation and Participation to the 2 nd meeting which held in Plovdiv during 28 th – 29 th of April Signed in to dropbox in order to share documents of the project. 5.Had a regular communication with the coordinator and the partners for the needs of the project. W.P. 1
C.V.T. GEORGIKI ANAPTIXI – Canakkale, 15 – Sent all the asked information for the contract. 7.Sent feedback where it was necessary. 8.Sent the photographs of each partner to the responsible person for the design of the project’s webpage. 9.Composition of 1 st Activities Report. 10.Managerial tasks and monitoring the process of the project. 11.Preparation of financial documents for Interim Report. 12.Interim Report (in process). W.P. 1
C.V.T. GEORGIKI ANAPTIXI – Canakkale, 15 – WP2: “Framework Analysis”
C.V.T. GEORGIKI ANAPTIXI – Canakkale, 15 – Translation of the questionnaires for producers and retailers. 2.Getting in touch (via telephone, , fax or face to face) with producers and retailers in order to make the interview and to fill up the questionnaires for the WP2 outcome. 3.Meetings with the target group for filling in the questionnaires 4.Elaboration of questionnaires W.P. 2
C.V.T. GEORGIKI ANAPTIXI – Canakkale, 15 – A survey for collection of statistical data for the general situation in the sector of organic agriculture and retailing in Greece. 6.A survey for collection information data for the current situation in the filed of organic retailing. 7.Composition of framework analysis report 8.Managerial tasks and Monitoring the process of the project 9.Technical support to the project 10.Secretarial and administrative tasks for the project W.P. 2
C.V.T. GEORGIKI ANAPTIXI – Canakkale, 15 – WP3: “Adaptation of Quality Assurance System for training in organic foods retailing to the national requirements”
C.V.T. GEORGIKI ANAPTIXI – Canakkale, 15 – Review of the products and outcomes of transferred projects that have to be adapted and translated in new partner languages 2.Translation of some parts of the Quality Handbook 3.Comments, suggestions, corrections and proposals for the improvement of QAS handbook 4.Managerial tasks and monitoring the process of the project 5.Administrative tasks of the project W.P. 3
C.V.T. GEORGIKI ANAPTIXI – Canakkale, 15 – WP6: “Valorization and dissemination”
C.V.T. GEORGIKI ANAPTIXI – Canakkale, 15 – Dissemination Activities in National Level: 1.Presentation of the project to organic farmers of Sikourio. W.P. 6
C.V.T. GEORGIKI ANAPTIXI – Canakkale, 15 – Dissemination Activities in National Level: 2.Presentation of the project to unemployed young people who are trainees in a national project of C.V.T. Georgiki Anaptixi. W.P. 6
C.V.T. GEORGIKI ANAPTIXI – Canakkale, 15 – Dissemination Activities in National Level: 3.Distribution of dissemination material of the project during the 8th National Agricultural – Environmental Exhibition which held in Larissa. W.P. 6
C.V.T. GEORGIKI ANAPTIXI – Canakkale, 15 – Dissemination Activities in National Level: 4.Presentation of EcoQualifyIII project on C.V.T. Georgiki Anaptixi’s official webpage ( W.P. 6
C.V.T. GEORGIKI ANAPTIXI – Canakkale, 15 – Dissemination Activities in European Level: 1.Presentation of the project to the partnership of the LvD project in title “Innovation-based organic farming through user-friendly training tools (AgroTrain)” during the kick-off meeting which held in Plovdiv at Agricultural University. 2.Presentation of the project to the partnership the LvD project in title “GreenFood. E-learning contents for training in organic farming addressed towards EU farmers” during the kick-off meeting which held in Madrid at IFES headquarters. W.P. 6
C.V.T. GEORGIKI ANAPTIXI – Canakkale, 15 – Thank you for your attention…..!