1 CS308 Compiler Theory
2 Course Information Instructor : –Prof. Minyi Guo –Yao Shen Course Web Page: CS308 Compiler Theory
3 Textbook Alfred V. Aho, Monica S. Lam, Ravi Sethi, and Jeffrey D. Ullman, “Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools” Second Edition. CS308 Compiler Theory
4 Grading Homework + Pop-quizzes : 30% Final exam : 70% CS308 Compiler Theory
5 Course Outline Introduction to Compiling A Simple Syntax-Directed Translator Lexical Analysis Syntax Analysis –Context Free Grammars –Top-Down Parsing, LL Parsing –Bottom-Up Parsing, LR Parsing Syntax-Directed Translation –Attribute Definitions –Evaluation of Attribute Definitions Semantic Analysis, Type Checking Run-Time Organization Intermediate Code Generation TBD CS308 Compiler Theory