Ali Akbar Ameri – M.D. Jalal Jalal Shokouhi – M.D. MRU Ali Akbar Ameri – M.D. Jalal Jalal Shokouhi – M.D. Jaam-e-jam medical imaging center
MRU,EMRU High sensitivity to water signal MRU + lasix : anatomic EMRU + GD + lasix : physiologic ,functional
ADVANTAGES No radiation Contrast sensitivity Young peoples Fetus, pregnancy
INDICATIONS Hydronephrosis Stone Obstructions “stone,pelvic masses,UB masses” Renal transplanation Renal insuficiency
Matherial and Method Machine: 1.5 , 1 tesla Heavy T2 , Coronal-thick slab stationary fluid = CSF , Bile , Urine , Bowel: white Flowing fluid = vessels: black
ACCURACY MRU>IVU Urinary obstruction in insuficcency MRU>IVU UB cancer MRU=IVU Normal population MRU=IVU Degree of hydronephrosis MRU>IVU Hydronephrosis and serial imaging MRU<IVU Small stone and partial obstruction Spiral CT +/- CM > IVU, MRU stone and small or partial obstruction IVU,EMRU > MRU ureter and pyelosinus rupture
PULSE Heavy T2 thick slab ,fat saturation (HF T2 : half –fourier-T2, MIP) TR=8000 HASTE , SSFSE coronal 3-6 mm ,1-2 respiration stop RARE : 20-60 images , coronal thick slab , respiratory stop EMRU : 1mg /kg max. 10 mg lasix , 30-60 seconds before GD MIP T1 and T2 SPOILED GRE – T1 3D FAT SAT. – T1 MIP : under 45 Flip angle Delayed images if obstruction
Fetus a) normal 1 case b) hydronephrosis 2 cases c) posterior uretheral valve 1 case Non specific hydronephrosis 33 cases Pelvic mass and hydronephrosis 3 cases Stone and hydronephrosis 3 cases Vascular impression on ureter 2 case UPJ stenosis 5 cases Ureterocele 3 cases
Horse shoe kidney 2 cases Non functional kidney (unilateral) 7cases Small kidney 2 cases UB diverticula's 2 cases Horse shoe kidney 2 cases Non functional kidney (unilateral) 7cases Double collecting system 3 cases Delicate fluid around kidney 2 cases Neurogenic bladder 2 cases Others from 150 patients was normal(3 years duration)