Drawing & Painting
CLASS RULES Be On Time Be Prepared to work all hour Listen to Instructions Carefully Work with RESPECT for others Store your art assignment Return supplies and Clean your area Complete Assignments by Deadline
Drawing Review Contour Hand Blind Contour Hand Cross Contour Hand
Prisma Leaves Draw leaves exactly as you see them. Make sure you are drawing realistically – from observation, not stylistically – out of your imagination. Divide paper into four equal sections Color the leaves in all four sections lightly, using local (real life) color. Color the background areas – lightly with the predominant complimentary color.
In sections 2, 3, 4 ONLY Color leaves with a second layer of prisma – again using local color. Add in blended colors – your secondaries and tertiaries. Look for the different colored patterns in the leaves. Lightly draw in the stems and veins of the leaves. Add a second layer of color to the background, blending a darker color close to leave edges. NO OUTLINES
In sections 3 & 4 only Add a third layer of local color prisma. This time, put in your tints, tones and shades. Use your color theory knowledge to create the correct tones. In the background, add tints to the areas farther from the leaves. Add tones to areas closer to the leaves. Add shades to areas touching the leaves. Darken the lines showing stems and veins.
In section 4 only Add a fourth layer of local color prisma. Add ***black*** for your cast shadows, and next to the largest veins in the leaves. Use black to show the crossover edges. In the background, add black to the innermost areas between the leaves. Burnish the light areas with white.
End Result You should be able to see a definite progression from square one to square four. This process should lead to a depth of color, light and shade. It should also make your leaves appear full and three-dimensional rather than flat. Many Prisma artists will add ten to fifteen layers of color before they consider the drawing “done”!