A Collaborative Approach to Workforce Development for the Aged Care Sector Robyn Bosley & Julie Baturynsky
Key Points Aim Goal Methodology Model of delivery Wider context Documentation What we learned
Our Aim To form an interdisciplinary team with teachers from difference teaching sections across the Community Health and Personal Services Faculty SWSI TAFE to meet the needs of the aged care sector.
Our Goal To develop staff capabilities to continuously improve quality of competency based training and assessment
Action Learning Cycle Experiencing Planning Reviewing Concluding.
Draft Model for HACC Delivery in Industry Meet agency /workers – hold information session - Enrolment Course content RPL, Learner Evidence Guide and gathering of evidence Worker collects relevant evidence Consultation with worker to develop individual learning plan based on evidence collected. Consultation with agency supervisor regarding worker’s tasks and responsibilities. Standard RPL Non standard RPL Learning and Assessment Strategy Gap training Workshops Assessment pathway Work based assessment Work based project Workbook Course Complete Evidence Tools Teacher and learner reviews individual learning plan Professional Judgement & Documentation
Professional development Lifelong learning Industry needs Funding/Tender Workforce development Individual workers Trainees Licensing standards VET Sector/VETAB AQTF Training requirements/COAG TAFE delivery Government services NGOs Service providers Social Economic & Political change
Discussion Board SWSI Wiki used to document processes and collect relevant resources Review current tools for assessment RPL Online Network very useful in discussions of evidence and professional judgment Articles for work based delivery and assessment Discussions on quality and continuous improvement
Concluding Conceptual framework – teachers and learners Learners needs/ styles Team approach needed to implement appropriate strategies to support learners Continuous improvement both process and product Evaluation and review