Cranial Nerves
Sensory only Carries input from receptors in olfactory neuroepithelium
Sensory only Carries input from receptors in eye
Sensory: transmits info from receptors in muscles Motor: Innervates skeletal muscles of eye involved with movement (up, down, and medial) and smooth muscle that constricts pupil and alters lens shape
Sensory: information from muscle receptors of eye Motor: innervates skeletal muscle that moves eye down and lateral
Sensory: transmits info from skin of face and muscles of face, nose, and mouth Motor: innervates skeletal muscles involved in chewing
Sensory: transmits info from muscles Motor: innervates muscles that move eye laterally
Sensory: transmits info from taste buds in front of tongue and mouth Motor: innervates skeletal muscles of facial expression and swallowing along with salivary glands
Sensory only Transmits info from inner ear
Sensory: transmits info from taste buds at back of tongue and mouth Motor: innervates skeletal muscle involved in swallowing and parotid gland
Sensory: transmit info from receptors in thorax and abdomen Motor: innervates skeletal muscles of pharynx and larynx; smooth muscle and glands of thorax and abdomen
Motor only Innervates sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscle
Motor only Innervates skeletal muscles of tongue
OlfactoryOh OpticOnce OculomotorOne TrochlearTakes TrigeminalThe AbducensAnatomy FacialFinal VestibulocochlearVery GlossopharyngealGood VagusVacations AccessoryAre HypoglossalHeavenly