Mary’s Webpage Mary Tipton Wildlife Fisheries Science Concentration in Wildlife Science Tennessee Tech University Cookeville, TN, 38501
Concentration Statement I have chosen my major to be Wildlife Fisheries Science with a concentration in Wildlife Science. I am interested in pursuing a career with the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency as a Wildlife Officer. I feel like this concentration is the best option for me, because it specifically gives you the “hands on” that you need in order to be knowledgeable about the career you are after. The different course classes that are required under the concentration are very important in learning about Wildlife. You have different classes on birds and mammals and even a class on reptiles. Being a Wildlife Officer requires many different tasks. The job also requires you to work with many different types of animal species. As I continue to strive toward my degree I am going to be learning many new things. As a woman that is interested in becoming an Officer I feel that the Wildlife Concentration is going to help me during my career. I plan to leave here with a vast knowledge of different species of Wildlife and all it entails. The area of concentration also requires a Law Enforcement class. I feel this will be very helpful due to the fact that an Officer’s job is to deal with the public. There are many different ways to deal with the people and this class will give insight to different tactics used for any type of situation. All in all I feel that the Wildlife Science Concentration is the best route for me because of my love for people and the protection and conservation of Wildlife.
Clubs/Organizations I have chosen to be a part of the Wildlife Society because I am a Wildlife Major and I feel this is the best Society for me to be in. I am going to pursue a career with TWRA and I feel that having this on my resume will be very helpful in getting a job.
Mary Tipton Tennessee Tech University P.O. Box 6911 Cookeville, TN Phone
Code of Ethics TWS Code of Ethics (from TWS Bylaws) Section 1. CODE OF ETHICS -- Each member, in striving to meet objectives of the Society, pledges to: 1.Subscribe to the highest standards of integrity and conduct; 2.Recognize research and scientific management of wildlife and their environments as primary goals; 3.Disseminate information to promote understanding of, and appreciation for, values of wildlife and their habitats; 4.Strive to increase knowledge and skills to advance the practice of wildlife management; 5.Promote competence in the field of wildlife management by supporting high standards of education, employment, and performance; 6.Encourage the use of sound biological information in management decisions; and 7.Support fair and uniform standards of employment and treatment of those professionally engaged in the practice of wildlife management. Section 2. ENFORCEMENT -- Violations of this Code by a member may result in censure, or censure and suspension, from membership in the Society. All reported violations will be reviewed by a Presidentially appointed Board of Inquiry or by the Council of the Society, hereinafter referred to as "the Council." ゥ Copyright The Wildlife Society, All Rights Reserved. Website privacy policy. ゥ Copyrightprivacy policy