Introduction to Campus Solutions
Agenda Basic Navigational Functions –Navigation Guide/Quick Guide Campus Solutions Data –Accessing Data –Modifying Data Processes and Reports Academic Structure Overview Service Indicators Overview
Navigation – Signing In Local Instance – Demo Database – =login =login –User ID: KSUPS –Password: isis1
Navigation – Home Page
Navigation - Menu Pagelet Minimize pagelet to have a larger working space Application content can be accessed through Menu Pagelet or Navigation Pane
Navigation - Navigation Pane
Accessing CS Data Using Menu Pagelet Using Navigation Pane Using Menu Search Using Favorites Using URLs (Browser favorites)
Accessing CS Data Components open with a Search Page Enter desired criteria Click Search
Viewing Data
Modifying CS Data To make changes to existing data: –Click Correct History in search page –Make modifications –Save record
Processes and Reports Process –Automated actions to perform calculations, validations, modifications, etc. –Handled by Process Scheduler –Includes running of reports Reports –Handled by Report Manager –Several types and formats in system
Reports Run report in Process Scheduler View outputs of report in Report Manager Reports organized by Run Control ID –In demo environment, create a unique RCID to isolate reports from everyone else’s –RCID example:initials + 01 (i.e., bcad01)
Academic Structure Overview
Academic Structure (cont.) Academic Career –all course work undertaken by a student at an academic institution, which you group together in a single student record –Academic careers have these common characteristics: All credit is granted under a common unit type, such as semester hours or quarter hours. There is a single repeat scheme. –Undergrad, Grad, VetMed
Academic Structure (cont.) Academic Program –Program to which a student applies and is admitted and from which the student graduates –i.e. Undergraduate in Education Academic Plan –Area of study within an academic program or career –Major, minor, etc. Academic Subplan –Areas of further specialization within academic plans –Concentrations, Sub-Curricula, etc.
Academic Structure (cont.) Course –Subject matter detail offered by K-State –Only exists once for each topic –i.e., Math 100 Class –Individual, physical course offerings –May have one or more occurrences during a given term or session –i.e., one section of MATH 100 offered each term
Academic Structure (cont.) Term –Highest level of breakdown within a single academic calendar –Equivalent to semesters Session –Breakdown of terms into sub-units –Could be used for short-terms, multi-session terms, intersessions, etc.
Academic Structure (cont.) MS Word document with examples of content for each of AS types.MS Word document
Service Indicators What are Service Indicators? –Used to designate certain services or data for a student. –Most generally, used to prevent enrollment and access to student records. i.e. Holds
Positive Service Indicators Positive Service Indicator Positive service indicators have a positive impact on the student. A positive service indicator is mainly used for administrative tracking purposes. Examples of Positive Service Indicators: Eligibility for certain Financial Aid programs Veterans Benefits International Student Services Computerized Records Tip:When you see this icon, click it to get the details of this positive service indicator. If you do not see details in the fields, this is a future dated service indicator.
Negative Service Indicators Negative Service Indicator Negative service indicators (also called ‘Holds’) prevent students from services such as enrolling in classes and receiving student records. Examples of Negative Service Indicators: Student Must Meet with their Advisor Unpaid Tuition from Previous Term Fee Holds (e.g. Library, Residence Halls) Tip:When you see this icon, click it to get the details of this negative service indicator. If you do not see details in the fields, this is a future dated service indicator.
Service Indicators
Getting Help Accessing help from within Campus Solutions: –On any page, click the help link in the upper right corner of the window. This will open all help topics associated with the page currently in view. Select the topic in question. Direct link to PeopleBooks: – Student System Training Coordinator: –