Thanet Governor Briefing: Area Education Officer Update: 22 October 2015 Marisa White – Area Education Officer (East Kent)
Discussion Topics Review of Commissioning Plan –Progress of implementing proposals – Sept 15 –Forecasting accuracy –Targets Draft Commissioning Plan - Headlines
Review of Commissioning Plan By September FE expansion of Cliftonville Primary School –Due to be completed within the next few weeks The Ramsgate Free School –The school opened in temporary accommodation on the Chilton Primary School site with one Reception Year class and one Year 3 class
Forecast Reception Year 2014/ Actual Reception Year January Forecast Primary Roll 2014/ Actual Primary Roll January The Reception Year forecast was 3.9% higher than the actual roll at January In-migration is usually at its lowest point in January and increases during the summer months. Total primary rolls were 1.5% which is marginally above the aspired tolerance level of plus or minus 1%. Forecasting Accuracy – Primary
Forecast Year / Actual Year 7 January Forecast Secondary Roll 2014/ Actual Secondary Roll January The Year 7 forecast was1.3% higher than the actual roll at January 2015, which is marginally above the aspired tolerance level of plus or minus 1%. The total Secondary roll forecast was 0.3% higher than the actual roll at January 2015 and was within the tolerance level. Forecasting Accuracy – Secondary
Targets Maintain between 5% and 7% surplus capacity in each District: Reception Year:Years R - 6 January %January % Year 7:Years 7 – 11: January %January % Across Kent ensure that 85% of parents secure their first preference primary school and 84% secure their first preference secondary school: 85.8% of primary parents and 80.5% of secondary parents secured their first preference school. (93.4% secured their first or second preference school, against a target of 94%)
Primary –2FE Primary provision at St George’s CE Foundation School from September 2016 –1FE expansion of Birchington CE Primary School from September –Longer term linked to proposed housing development: 2FE Primary school at Manston Green 2FE Primary school at Westwood Cross 0.5 FE expansion of St Gregory’s Catholic Primary School 2FE Primary school at Westgate 2FE Primary school at Birchington Secondary –3FE by 2018 through expansion of existing Secondary schools. –Up to a further 5FE from 2019 either through the establishment of a new school or through further expansions. Draft Commissioning Plan Headlines
Commissioning: SEN SEN Provision We are currently in the process of speaking to schools about Specialist Resource Base Provision (SRBP) and Satellite provision in mainstream schools. We will propose that any new Primary schools provided through developer contributions would include a SRBP.