MOOT Malden Oaks Outreach Team Project outcomes To avoid exclusion at key stage 3 And/or to signpost young people to a more appropriate provision Aims: To encourage students to have aspirations and plan for KS4 options and beyond. To enable students to experience success and to recognise their own and others’ achievements. To motivate students to develop and sustain positive new interests. And through the above to promote attendance and engagement in mainstream education. Participants: Year 8 and 9 students who are at risk of exclusion or disengaging from education. There are 6 places available per day the project runs.
Adjective subject to debate, dispute, or uncertainty. Verb raise (a question or topic) for discussion; suggest (an idea or possibility). Synonyms open to debate, open to discussion, open to question, open, doubtful, open to doubt, disputable, contestable, controvertible, problematic, problematical, controversial, contentious, vexed, disputed, unresolved, unsettled, up in the air, undecided, yet to be decided, undetermined, raise, bring up, broach, mention, put forward, introduce, advance, suggest, submit, propound, air, ventilate
The project has run 7 times It now runs once a term and has run on two separate days in the past. Providing the opportunity for 42 referrals. 39 Different young people have benefited from the project. 10 have been signposted on to an alternative provision. 29 have remained in mainstream education. We have also run a KS2 transition project. 5 out of 6 of the KS2 students are currently in mainstream education and one on a split timetable with This project was followed up by visits to the young people in their secondary schools. At the end of each project the student receive a book.
The MOOT day structure 9:30 -10:00 students arrive Tea, Toast and a catch up. 10:00 10:45 Group splits into two - either making art or cooking for break. 10:45- 11:00 Break time tea, biscuits, cookies. 11:00-12:00 Art and cooking lunch for the whole group. 12:30- 13:00 Eat lunch as a group sat around the table. 13:00 – Outdoor activity plus challenge course once per project.
Tracking - How and why we track progress
Hand out MOOT books