Misc Text From choice, a world of possibilities Overview and Updates on Data Requirements
Footer Text Overview and Updates on Data Requirements Session Objectives Review changes from last year Review key IPPF service data requirements and priorities to streamline reporting for MAs To clarify reporting requirements for CBD points
Footer Text Changes from 2006 to 2007 Entering data into IMS rather than spreadsheet Tailoring IMS to MA data to avoid scrolling down long spreadsheets- MAs will enter data into eIMS Change in Service Categories: Every type of service has a detailed list of services and a general category of services (‘ALL’ for contraceptive methods, ‘Other’ for SRH and non-SRH). Note: this is different than the information presented at the Trinidad workshop In the case of contraceptive services, use the ‘ALL’ category if you have no detailed information on initial vs. follow-up In the case of SRH (non-contraceptive) and non-SRH services, the ‘Other’ category will capture any information that you do not know where to classify, that you don’t have detailed information for, or that you can’t disaggregate. Clarification of requirements, overall clean-up of categories S3 form: No longer collecting data on opened and closed clinics in IMS (but MA can still keep these records)
Footer Text Data Requirements per Channel Required for Clinical channels (static, mobile, associated): New users Services Items provided Referrals Required for CBD, Private doctors, Social marketing, commercial marketing, gov’t, Other agencies Items provided (for CYP)
Footer Text Focus on 5 As Collecting more detailed information for 5 As and services that are strategically/ programmatically important (Abortion, HIV/AIDS, Access: GBV, Mobile health units) Collecting age data allows us to report more in depth on work in the Adolescents area.
Footer Text Age Data Requirements Age data only required for contraceptive and SRH (non- contraceptive) services; not required for non-SRH Units of Measure that require data by Age New users Services Units of Measure that DON’T require data by Age Referrals Items provided (optional)
Footer Text Data Requirements: Detail Reporting The system allows you to report on level of detail you have available Remember the system allows you to enter and report data beyond IPPF requirements. You can choose to report additional information for your own purposes (generating reports, items provided by age, non default categories)
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