Site visits have been conducted by ITU’s sub- contractors Site visits have been conducted by ITU’s sub- contractors –Aritim Muhendislik –TUBITAK - MAM (The Technical and Scientific Research Council of Turkey – Marmara Research Center) to get some technical information about 12 of 22 Turkish UWWTPs that have been previously selected by the core group of ITU - Turkey project partner.
Grab samples were taken from influent and effluent of each treatment plant. Grab samples were taken from influent and effluent of each treatment plant. Questionairies about the selected UWWTPs have been prepared and handed out. Questionairies about the selected UWWTPs have been prepared and handed out.
SELECTED UWWTPS (ITU) Mugla, Bodrum-Golturkbuku, TR Mugla, Bodrum-Bitez, TR Duzce-Merkez, TR Izmir-Karaburun, TR Bursa-Inegol, TR Istanbul-Pasakoy, TR Afyon-Merkez, TR Manisa–Akhisar, TR Manisa–Alasehir, TR Antalya-Kumkoy, TR Antalya-Titreyengol, TR Samsun-Ondokuz Mayis, TR-55-03
Use of Treated UWWTP Effluent for Irrigation of.... Forest area Forest area Agricultural land Agricultural land Grassland Grassland Crops Crops Recreational areas Recreational areas Orchards Orchards
Turkish water quality criteria for irrigation (WPCR Technical Bulletin, 1991) Quality Criteria Quality Classes of Irrigation Water Class I (Perfect) Class II (Satisfactory) Class III (Usable) Class IV (Usable with Care) Class V (Improper, harmful) EC 25 (µmhos at 25 o C) × >3000 Sodium (Na, %)< >80 Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR)< >26 Residual Sodium Carbonate (RSC) in meq/l or mg/l >1.25 < >2.5 >133 Chloride (Cl - ) in meq/l or mg/l >20 >710 Sulphate (SO 4 = ) in meq/l or mg/l >20 >960 Total Salt Concentration (mg/l) >2000 Boron Concentration (mg/l) >2.0- Class of Irrigation WaterC1S1C1S1 C 1 S 2, C 2 S 2, C 2 S 1 C 1 S 3, C 2 S 3, C 3 S 3, C 3 S 2, C 3 S 1 C 1 S 4, C 2 S 4, C 3 S 4, C 4 S 4, C 4 S 3, C 4 S 2, C 4 S 1 - NO 3 - -N or NH 4 + -N (mg/l) >50 Fecal Coliform** (CFU in 100 ml) >1000 BOD 5 (mg/l) >200 TSS (mg/l) >100 pH Temperature ( o C) >40
Population served by UWWTPs in the provinces of Turkey
CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Disinfection units need to be installed and those being already established have to be operated in a more effective manner to comply with the bacteriological limit aiming more improved reuse potential. Disinfection units need to be installed and those being already established have to be operated in a more effective manner to comply with the bacteriological limit aiming more improved reuse potential.
The higher SAR (Sodium Adsorption Ratio) values of some selected UWWTPs are attributable to the fact that they receive high loads of industrial discharges and/or saline water intrusion to the main collectors. The higher SAR (Sodium Adsorption Ratio) values of some selected UWWTPs are attributable to the fact that they receive high loads of industrial discharges and/or saline water intrusion to the main collectors. Special care must be taken during irrigation practices with the higher SAR values (desalination or dilution). Special care must be taken during irrigation practices with the higher SAR values (desalination or dilution). CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS