Unite 10 home appliance. Scene Jane is introducing washing machine to customers.


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Presentation transcript:

Unite 10 home appliance

Scene Jane is introducing washing machine to customers

Read aloud J: Good morning , sir. Can I be of any assistance? C: I’d like to buy a washing machine. J: We have a wide variety of washing machines. You can have a look here. C: Would you please recommend a good one? J: Haier is selling well. Its quality is as good as imported ones, but the price is much lower.

Read aloud C: Would you show me how this one works? J: Sure. You put the clothes in the machine, shut the door and push this button. It’s fully automatic. All you have to do is to put the plug in the socket, press this button and it will begin to work. C: Good! Could it be delivered? J: Would this afternoon be all right? C: Yes. We’ll deliver it at 3 o’clock and the technician will test it for you free of charge at the same time.

Vocabulary Recommend [,r ɛ kə'm ɛ nd] 推荐, 介绍 Import [ ɪ m'port] 进口, 输入 ; 引进 Shut [ ʃʌ t] 关上, 闭上, 关闭 Button ['b ʌ tn] 按钮 Automatic [, ɔ tə'mæt ɪ k] 自动的, 自动装置的 Plug [pl ʌ g] 插头, 插塞 Socket ['s ɑ k ɪ t] 【电】插座 ; 插口

Pairing Refrigerator Roaster Oven Dishwasher unmair-condiction vacuum 冰箱 洗碗机 吸尘器 空调 烤箱 烤面包机

Homework Textbook P40 2

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