Rainforests By Lauren Gallagher
Early one morning a momma spider monkey jumps down for her home high in the trees to collect nuts and fruits for it’s baby. That’s about the time that most of the animals in rainforest are awakening and another exiting day in will begin! Early Morning in the Rainforest
Endangered Animals in the Rain Forest There are a ton of endangered animals in the rainforest and the reasons why vary from loss of habitat, to using their poison for blow dart tips, to commercial trapping. You wouldn’t think they were endangered, but a lot of humans don’t care about are furry/slimy/feathered friends as much as they should.
Plants and Animals Imagine all the plants and animals in the world in one room, now split the group in half. One half would be all the plants and animals in the rainforest and the other would be the plants and animals that live anywhere other then the rainforest. That’s how many living creatures are in the rainforest. This includes over 20,000 types of orchards, a snake that can reach over 37 feet in length, and a monkey with no tail. Plus there’s tons of vines, so many 90% of the worlds vines are there. All of the plants and animals are very important to every thing else, it’s like a domino effect. They need each other to survive or “Bye Bye!”
How big are the rainforests? You know how I said that half the plants and animals on the planet live in rainforests, well rainforests only take up about 6% of the planet, so there’s the same amount of animals and plants in 94% of the planet as there is in 6% of the planet. To me that’s pretty crazy! The biggest rainforest is the Amazon, it’s 5,500,000 SQ KM (or 2,123,562 SQ MI); that’s one big rainforest!!!
Where are the rainforests? Though there aren’t any rainforests in the United States, there’s lots down in Mexico (plus a ton of other places on Earth). There’s some in Africa, Asia, South America and Australia and other places too. Here’s a graph of all the rainforest on the planet.