C HEESECAKE By: Davon Pugh & Cierra Mosley
T HE R ECIPE 1 ¼ cup graham cracker crust 3 tablespoon sugar ¾ stick melted butter 3- 8oz cream cheese 1 ½ cup sugar 1/8 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon vanilla 4 eggs ¼ cup sugar 2 teaspoon 8 ounces sour cream
R ECIPE D IRECTION Pour butter over cracker crumbs, mix & press into buttered pan on bottom and ¼ inch up the side of 10” Chill in freezer Let cheese soften in large bowl Blend in sugar and salt well Add one egg at a time beat well after each one. Beat in Vanilla & pour into crumb crust Bake at 350 for 50 minutes Remove from oven and let stand for 15 minutes Reheat oven to 450 Combine well and spread over cake and bake 10 min at 450 Let cool and chill in refrigerator over night
R ECIPE C ONVERTED M ETRIC 1 ¼ cup = mL 3 tablespoons = 45mL 3-8 oz.= 1.5lb 1/8 = mL 1 teaspoon = 4.98mL ¼ cups = 59.14mL 2 teaspoon = 9.85mL 8 ounces =.5 lbs
C HEMICAL C HANGE No chemical change
P HYSICAL C HANGE Stirring the cream cheese until its smooth Stirring in the cream cheese until smooth Pouring Refrigerating the cheesecake over night
A N IONIC COMPOUND INVOLVED Calcium Phosphate Ca (PO )2 Ca+ ² (PO4)ˉ³ 34
A C OVALENT C OMPOUND INVOLVES Sucrose C 12 H 22 O 11 Polar Hydrogen bonds
S TOICHEMISTRY 1.25 graham crust 3 tablespoon sugar 0.75 butter 1 teaspoon vanilla 8 cup sour cream 25 servings x 1.25 crust = 31.25
I S IT PRACTICAL TO MAKE ADJUSTED AMOUNT ? No because you cant have of a crust
W ORK C ITED Cook Book