Kelsey Grainger & Rhett Perkins Temperate Rainforest Kelsey Grainger & Rhett Perkins
Characteristics Big Temperate Coniferous Trees Canopy of trees shuts out at least 70% of the sky
Climate Gets over 12 feet of rain every year Average temperature is between 32 & 68 degrees Fahrenheit
Location West Coast of United States & Canada Small areas in Chile, New Zealand, & Australia
Plants Fireweed Epiphyte Coastal Redwood
More Plants Western Skunk Cabbage Douglas fir
Animals Red Panda Cougar
More Animals Elk Mountain Lions Varied Thrush
Food Web
Human Impact Intensive commercial logging Wild fires
Soil Richer than tropical rainforest Damp and dark
Vacation spot Tasmania, AU Franklin-Gordon Wild Rivers National Park Southwest National Park
Effects of Vacation spot Cut down trees Create pollution Harm habitats
Adaptations & Competition Have to adapt to a lot of rain Fight for shelter
Works Cited