Japan 日本
Japanese food
寿司 sushi
Sushi is - a Japanese food consisting of cooked vinegared rice combined with other ingredients.
Preparation of sushi is a very difficult and long process…
The sushi kitchen tools Handai (a large wooden tub) and Shamoji (a wooden spatula to mix the cooked rice and the vinegar mixture) Uchiwa (a paper-made fan to cool the rice mixture and to evaporate the excess steam and vinegar) Makisu (a bamboo mat to roll the sushi in) Very sharp kitchen knives (to fillet fish, to slice fish steak, and to cut maki-sushi)
First of all we need to soak the rice in water for 30 minutes before cooking. Then boil the rice for 10 -13 minutes. After that place it in a large wooden tub and slowly pour the vinegar mixture over the rice.
Secondly we prepare all necessary ingredients : Seafood (shrimp, squid, octopus, roe). Different kinds of fresh fish (salmon, tuna, eel). Vegetables. Nori is the Japanese name for edible seaweed species.
Hashi chopsticks
Soy sauce
Wasabi Is known as "Japanese horseradish". It is very spicy.
Types of sushi Nigirizushi Hosomaki Temaki
Variety of ingredients
California roll 1 avocado 3/4 cup imitation crab 2 Tbsp mayonnaise 1/2 tsp salt 6 cups prepared sushi rice 4 sheets of nori (dried seaweed) white sesame seeds
We love sushi!