1 Welcome to the Water Purification Department 1
2 Every place on Earth is an ecosystem, including our club site.
3 In today’s club adventure, we will investigate Water Purification eco-services…
4 …provided at our club site.
5 So Much Water!
6 But how much can we use?
7 The Water Cycle From;
8 How does nature clean our water?
9 Water Purification Nature’s Filters: Riparian Zones
10 Healthy Streams Clear water Plant cover Debris, rocks present Low to moderate nutrients Water Purification
11 Healthy Rivers Water Purification
12 Water Purification Nature’s Filters: Wetlands
13 Saltwater Wetlands Water Purification
14 Water Purification Freshwater Wetlands: Okefenokee Swamp
15 Wetlands provide water purification and more…
16 In Garden Earth, Mr. Dipper oversees the Water Purification Department.
17 Herbivorous Invertebrates: Feeding on Plant Material in Streams Mr. Dipper has lots of helpers. Let’s meet some of them.
18 Invertebrates: Shredders Stoneflies Caddisflies
19 Invertebrates: Predators Dobsonfly Clubtailed Dragonfly Narrow-winged damselfly
20 Mussels: Filter feeding collectors
21 Aquatic Snails
22 Crayfish
23 Fish: Bluegill
24 River Otters
25 David Westphalen Painet Inc. Wayne Rotsch Painet Inc. Beavers
26 Let’s Compare: Beaver Adaptations Warm fur: Heavy coat Tail: Paddle Webbed hind feet: Flippers Sharp teeth: Chisel Eyes: Goggles Ears: Earmuffs
27 Where ever you are, you are in a watershed. Water falls on land and flows into streams…
28 …swamps, ponds, lakes and rivers.
29 Water Used by Plants and Animals
30 Land and Water Connections
31 How will we learn about the Water Purification department? Stream Study
32 Threats to the Water Purification Department: Chemical Pollution
33 Threats to the Water Purification Department: Sediment Pollution
34 We need to take care of our water.
35 What can we do to help the Water Purification Department at our club site?