NCF Branding Guide E-mail Signature. Preview Embedded Signature Sample (Wide—Preferred): (The below is just a preview of what the signature layout should.


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Presentation transcript:

NCF Branding Guide Signature

Preview Embedded Signature Sample (Wide—Preferred): (The below is just a preview of what the signature layout should be like. The logos will be smaller. Please use the HTML file linked here, to copy/paste into your signature program. You then can carefully select the information to change.)Please use the HTML file linked here

Adding Signature to Outlook Download and open the NCF_sig2copy.html file. Select all the text and copy (cmd+c) Open up Outlook.

Adding Signature to Outlook On a Mac, click on the Outlook text in the menu bar and open the Preferences In the Preference box, click on signatures

Adding Signature to Outlook Click on Standard and in the blank area, paste (cmd+v) the text you copied from the NCF_sig2copy.html file. Carefully change the name, title, and phone number

Adding Signature to Outlook Close the preference windows. Send a test to yourself or a colleague. Your should display correctly.

Using HTML Code Some programs prefer you to use HTML code when images or links are used. If so, download the NCF Signature Sample Templates.docx file and copy the HTML code and paste it where the program directs you.NCF Signature Sample Templates.docx