Washington State Department of Social & Health Services, Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery WAC Implementation Training Problem and Pathological Gambling Chapter C WAC 1 1 Dennis Malmer, Office Chief Certification, Licensing, and Customer Relations August 2013 Washington State Behavioral Health Services Rules Implementation Chapter C WAC Problem and Pathological Gambling Services What’s New?
Washington State Department of Social & Health Services, Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery WAC Implementation Training Problem and Pathological Gambling Chapter C WAC 2 Problem and Pathological Gambling Services Chapter C WAC WACCategoryChange Clinical--Individual service plan Treatment plan is referred to as Individual Service Plan C-0100GeneralDSM-5 as it exists when published and released in C-0110Agency staff requirements An individual who is under supervision as a problem and pathological gambling counselor must complete training within two years.
Washington State Department of Social & Health Services, Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery WAC Implementation Training Problem and Pathological Gambling Chapter C WAC 3 Agency Licensure WAC All problem and pathological gambling agencies must comply with WAC as well as WAC C. To add problem and pathological gambling treatment services to a licensed chemical dependency or mental health agency, the agency must submit an application to add a new service and attach the required documentation.
Washington State Department of Social & Health Services, Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery WAC Implementation Training Problem and Pathological Gambling Chapter C WAC 4 Problem Gambling Counselors Must be credentialed by DOH and in training to become a certified gambling counselor. Complete the Washington State Gambling Counselor Certification ( content/uploads/2013/06/Certification_Packet_Jan_2013.pdf) content/uploads/2013/06/Certification_Packet_Jan_2013.pdf Or complete the National Gambling Counselor Certification (
Washington State Department of Social & Health Services, Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery WAC Implementation Training Problem and Pathological Gambling Chapter C WAC 5 Questions?
Washington State Department of Social & Health Services, Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery WAC Implementation Training Problem and Pathological Gambling Chapter C WAC 6 Thank You! Send comments or questions to: WAC Integration Certification, Licensing and Customer Relations Post Office Box Olympia, Washington (360) WAC Questions - WAC Implementation Website: