Week 10 ©2012 Dr B C Paul. Copper Your initial road moves have been questioned. –You have drawings showing the end of each stage –Between two of your.


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Presentation transcript:

Week 10 ©2012 Dr B C Paul

Copper Your initial road moves have been questioned. –You have drawings showing the end of each stage –Between two of your initial mining stages draw in the benches and roads at several points during the push-back Remember that during a push back you will have some unusually wide working benches. One of the things you will be trying to show is that you do not cut-off old roads before new ones are ready to take their place.

Begin Your Outline Propose and outline for how you will organize your Final written report –Show who you propose to have write sections –If the section title is not self explanatory show where you will cover various issues in your report. –Explain how you will handle drawings –Explain how you will handle appendices –Indicate sections you feel you have the information to write now. –Before submitting check your outline for things that you may be missing that are needed for one to understand you mine plan and how you got to it. Write up a couple sections of your choosing.

Truck and Loader Fleet Use FPC or applicable alternate programs or calculations to size your truck and loader fleet at each stage of your mining –Your fleet size capability should be compatible with the mining capacity you said you had when you planned your mine stages –Make sure your FPC calculations account for an integer number of passes to fill your trucks –Make sure your loading times for loaders and trucks match the loading configuration you will use Explain what loading configuration you are using. Calculate the capital and operating cost for the fleet –(FPC does have the ability to calculate capital and operating cost)

Size Your Support Equipment Fleets What equipment will you need to build and maintain roads –For each time period how many miles of roads will require maintenance servicing? –How many new miles of road will be built? –You may have to do some details on the development history of your waste dumps to quantify truck fleet sizes and define how much road must be built and maintained. Quantify and cost your road equipment

Aggregate Look up common Illinois Aggregate Gradation Specifications Make contacts to estimate the relative amounts of each aggregate specification you will sell –Show the tonnages you were assigned to produce –Then show how you are breaking that down into specific quantities of gradation specs.

Run Agflow Show that you can produce the gradations you targeted in the quantities you targeted –There may be some adjustments to mining rates of waste quantities. If necessary estimate the amount of milling capacity you will need to produce your scrubber lime –This may involve having to do hand calculations if the programs won’t cooperate

Run FPC Use FPC to size and cost your rock handling fleets both above and underground –Figure out what your loading configuration is and make sure it is input into FPC –Make sure that you fill trucks in an integer number of passes –FPC can do capital and operating cost

Evaluate Your Road Equipment For each stage identify how many miles or road will be built and maintained Explain what equipment you will use for that maintenance and road building –Estimate the cost for road maintenance

Design Your Conveyors If you use conveyors for haulage instead of trucks –Explain when conveyors will be used –Design the conveyor system Including your motors and start systems –Estimate the capital and operating of your conveyor system

Begin Your Outline Propose and outline for how you will organize your Final written report –Show who you propose to have write sections –If the section title is not self explanatory show where you will cover various issues in your report. –Explain how you will handle drawings –Explain how you will handle appendices –Indicate sections you feel you have the information to write now. –Before submitting check your outline for things that you may be missing that are needed for one to understand you mine plan and how you got to it. Write up a couple sections of your choosing.

Coal You failed to mine major areas of the #5 and #2 coal seams that were beyond the sandstone channels –Develop a plan to mine those areas or demonstrate that it is not economically viable to mine them Economics arguments are based on clear costing and profits data.

What Ifs, Assumptions, and Questions If new shafts and slopes are built or ventilation shafts are needed, what land or access is needed for those facilties. Since 5 and 6 coal are mixed for market, why can’t I ramp down from the 6 seam to the 5? –What would it cost? –How would that cost compare to a sandstone channel crossing?

More Questions If I cross the channel to get more met coal, how much water am I talking about? –Is there a way to recover that brine water separate from other water in the mine? What ways can I deal with salt water? –Desalinate and dispose? – what will it cost per gallon? –Pump and evaporate? – what will it cost per gallon? – can it be done in this climate? –Underground inject? (assume there is a brine aquifer 150 ft below the #2 coal) – what will it cost per gallon?

More Questions Is it cheaper to cross the channel or put in a new slope to get #2 coal?

Maps Provide Isopack maps for the inner burden between the #5 and #6 coal. –Color code for Less than 30 ft (can’t mine because of caving through) Less than 60 ft (pillars must line up) Less than 90 ft (economic consequences on ground control cost) Do the same for the inner burden between #5 and #2

Timing Provide your timing for existing mine areas Show by at least sketch what areas you expect to be in beyond the channel and when Provide those estimates by Tuesday You will get feedback on obstacles you may hit –You will have to respond to those obstacles both in terms of plans and costs.

Begin Your Outline Propose and outline for how you will organize your Final written report –Show who you propose to have write sections –If the section title is not self explanatory show where you will cover various issues in your report. –Explain how you will handle drawings –Explain how you will handle appendices –Indicate sections you feel you have the information to write now. –Before submitting check your outline for things that you may be missing that are needed for one to understand you mine plan and how you got to it. Write up a couple sections of your choosing.