Crowded Field Spectroscopy CASTLES
Crowded Field Spectroscopy B
Long-Slit Mapping Several exposures are needed to scan the GL system (inefficient) Different bits of information are recorded under different atmospheric and instrumental conditions (differential atmospheric refraction)
SILFID - ARGUS Angonin et al., 1990, H
SILFID - ARGUS Soucail, 1998, Abell 2218, 370 Vanderriest, 1993, Q
TIGER Adam et al, 1989, Q Fitte & Adams, 1994 Q
APPLICATIONS Study of the compact components and monitoring of possible variations (QSO structure, stellar mass function in the lens) Study (morphology and redshifts) of the extended emission (QSO host, models of the lens galaxy, high redshift galaxies) Study of the lens galaxy (absorption and extinction)
Gravitational Lenses FBQ 0951 PG 1115 H 1413 SBS 0909
Gravitational Lenses Task Goals Scientific aims Observational strategy Targets Instruments Tools (inputs from other tasks...) Team Scheduling
GLs Task - Goals Catalogue ? Good quality observations of a reduced group of selected objects Explore innovative techniques of analysis Diseminate IFS among GL researchers Profit from the net
GLs Task - Scientific aims Study of microlensing, specially during an High Magnification Event study of the quasar unresolved structure Map the extended emission model the galaxy mass distribution and study the quasar host galaxy Gravitational telescope study high z galaxies
GLs Task - Observing strategy Spectral monitoring (microlensing) ToO ? (HME) Complementary observations of a well known system (extended emission in QSO )
GLs Task - Targets Multiple imaged QSOs best candidates to microlesing, candidates to have extended emission Q Giant Arcs
GLs Task - Instruments Performances Availability in the next (three) years Proposals Observations
GLs Task - Tools Data analysis tools (inputs from other tasks) Scientific tools (inverse mapping, GLs models, etc.)
GLs Task - Team Euro3D members –IAP: J. Wambsganss... –CAM: A. Bunker... –IAC: B. Garcia... –PAR:... –DUR:... –... Invited GLs researchers –E. Falco, G. Lewis, L. Goicoechea,...
GLs Task - SubTasks? Spectral Monitoring (J. Wambsganss?) ToO program? Giant Arcs (A. Bunker?) Extended Emission (E. Mediavilla?) Proposals coordinator (B. García?) Data archive (? + Post-Doc)...
GLs Task - Actions Provisional team definition Goals and sub-tasks revision Writing urgent proposals (end of September) Meeting (November)