LIFE11 ENV/ES/615 project 1 Gest Dropper is a smart irrigation system, LIFE11 ENV/ES/615 product project LIFE11 ENV/ES/615 PROJECT 2015/11/24 INNOVATION IN IRRIGATION MANAGEMENT LIFE11 ENV/ES/615
LIFE11 ENV/ES/615 project 1. THE IDEA 1.1. The initial problem. Vitoria-Gasteiz has a corporate GIS internal management and external asset management. There are no automatic irrigation equipmentintegrated or want to integrate open communication protocols management software. There are no programmers interacting modes of operation, «multicable- decodificadores-autónomos», against a single management software The solution. In July 2011, we present a demonstration project "LIFE" to the EuropeanCommission, with the idea of creating a system of remote automatic irrigation, integrated in the GIS of Vitoria-Gasteiz, and develop four prototypes of field control. The four prototypes were proposed: «Multicable, Decodificadores, Autónomo and Mixto (deco-multicable)». The project demonstrates its efficiency by 100 teams placed in the field The resolution of the European Commission In July 2012 the European Commission accepts the proposal and we began working in September.
LIFE11 ENV/ES/615 project 2. THE LIFE PROJECT CONSORTIUM PARTNERS COORDINATING BENEFICIARY: PERICA obras y servicios BENEFICIARIES PARTNERS: Estudios GIS CEA Centro de Estudios Ambientales PRYSMA Calidad y Medio Ambiente Ayuntamiento de Vitoria-Gasteiz Subcontratista
LIFE11 ENV/ES/615 project 2. THE LIFE PROJECT NAME: IRRIGESTLIFE IRRIGESTLIFE is a project funded by the European Union, through its LIFE + Environment Policy and Governance Project program. TITLE: TELEMANAGEMENT NETWORK USING FREE CONTROLLERS CONECTED TO A GIS FOR AN OPTIMIZED IRRIGATION SYSTEM IN VITORIA- GASTEIZ BUDGET: 2,817,737 € The total eligible cost amounts to 2,514,817 €, of which the LIFE + Programme of the European Union will finance 47% of the total eligible costs: 1,184,213 € CONSIGNMENT BY PARTNER: PERICA obras y servicios 63.5 % Estudios GIS 14.8 % CEA Centro de Estudios Ambientales 10.9 % PRYSMA Calidad y Medio Ambiente 8.7 % Ayuntamiento de Vitoria-Gasteiz 2.1 %
LIFE11 ENV/ES/615 project 2. THE LIFE PROJECT The project consists of different development activities: Preparatory actions (analysis of the current situation of automatic irrigation). Implementation actions. Monitoring the impact of actions. Communication and dissemination of project. (Web, merchandaising, fairs, conferences, etc.) Monitoring and management of project progress.
LIFE11 ENV/ES/615 project 2. THE LIFE PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION ACTIONS 1.Detailed inventory of the irrigation system and its characteristics. 2.Remote irrigation management application integrated into the municipal GIS. 3.Communication between the GIS and field teams through APN. 4.Four prototypes (programmers): 1.Gd: «decodificadores» 2.Gm: «multicable» 3.Ga: «autónomo» 4.Gmx: «mixto» 5.The sensing.. 1.Climatic factors (ETP, rain, temperature, wind) 2.Mechanical factors (flow control, electrical control, ground humidity) 6.The conclusions. 1.Knowledge of our irrigation actions, make us efficient in the use of technical resources and water. 2.Developers can integrate other brands if those brands want.
LIFE11 ENV/ES/615 project GestDropper with sensing
LIFE11 ENV/ES/615 project More radio
LIFE11 ENV/ES/615 project More «decodificadores»
LIFE11 ENV/ES/615 project More «multicable»
LIFE11 ENV/ES/615 project 2. THE LIFE PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION ACTIONS 1.Detailed inventory of the irrigation system and its characteristics. 2.Remote irrigation management application integrated into the municipal GIS. 3.Communication between the GIS and field teams through APN. 4.Four prototypes (programmers): 1.Gd: «decodificadores» 2.Gm: «multicable» 3.Ga: «autónomo» 4.Gmx: «mixto» 5.The sensing.. 1.Climatic factors (ETP, rain, temperature, wind) 2.Mechanical factors (flow control, electrical control, ground humidity) 6.The conclusions. 1.Knowledge of our irrigation actions, make us efficient in the use of technical resources and water. 2.Developers can integrate other brands if those brands want.
LIFE11 ENV/ES/615 project 2. THE LIFE PROJECT KEY POINTS FOR THE PROJECT The necessary equipment with power in the solenoid: Pulse counter. Master valve (latch solenoid). Programmer and sensing. The necessary equipment without electricity in the solenoid: Flow Sensor. Solar panel and rechargeable battery. Radio actuator (latch solenoid), Radio repeater. Master. Knowing the electrical structure of the installation. Knowing the hydraulic structure of the installation. A programmer must be associated with a single hydraulic system (pulse counter). The functionality of the pulse counter. We know each valve flow, rainfall. Detect overruns on breaks of: sprinklers, sector piping, generals,etc.
LIFE11 ENV/ES/615 project 2. THE LIFE PROJECT EXAMPLE: Cartography
LIFE11 ENV/ES/615 project 2. THE LIFE PROJECT EXAMPLE: Cartography
LIFE11 ENV/ES/615 project 2. THE LIFE PROJECT EXAMPLE: Cartography Inventory
LIFE11 ENV/ES/615 project 2. THE LIFE PROJECT EXAMPLE: Cartography Inventory
LIFE11 ENV/ES/615 project 2. THE LIFE PROJECT EXAMPLE: Cartography Inventory
LIFE11 ENV/ES/615 project 2. THE LIFE PROJECT EXAMPLE: Cartography Inventory
LIFE11 ENV/ES/615 project 2. THE LIFE PROJECT EXAMPLE: Cartography Inventory
LIFE11 ENV/ES/615 project 2. THE LIFE PROJECT EXAMPLE: Cartography + Miniprojects and sensoring Inventory
LIFE11 ENV/ES/615 project 2. THE LIFE PROJECT EXAMPLE: Cartography + Miniprojects and sensoring Inventory
LIFE11 ENV/ES/615 project 2. THE LIFE PROJECT EXAMPLE: Cartography + Miniprojects and sensoring Inventory
LIFE11 ENV/ES/615 project 2. THE LIFE PROJECT RESULTS OF THE EXPERIENCE WATER SAVING: For really know the rainfall of each irrigation sector. Flow x time / surface. Optimization of doses applied irrigation water requirements of vegetation by the daily calculation of ETP. 17%. Dose optimization irrigation by the difference between irrigation needs shaded-sun-semisunshaded. 20%. Optimizing for leakage control. And optimizing response times leaks. 18% (3000 alerts) For control of ground humidity drip irrigation. Control of spray irrigation efficiency in windy conditions, in rain.. SAVE %
LIFE11 ENV/ES/615 project 26 THE END