The Metalmorphosis aims to develop a new range of hybrid products for the automotive industry. Based on the knowledge transfer from EMF electromagnetic deformation, for use in joining metal products with newly developed composites. The project Optimization of joining processes for new automotive metal-composite hybrid parts THE PROJECT THE PROJECT THE PROJECT THE PROJECT ABOUT EMF CASE STUDY PARTNERS (1/2)
The approach Metalmorphosis project aims to combine and involve all major players in the top-down and bottom-up in the automotive industry value chain, in developing the next generation of hybrid metal composite materials, ensuring a strong contribution of the relevant industry players, to whom are the main needs of the automotive components industry, an active participation of SMEs and the valuable contribution of technological RTD centers. The project Optimization of joining processes for new automotive metal-composite hybrid parts THE PROJECT THE PROJECT THE PROJECT THE PROJECT ABOUT EMF CASE STUDY PARTNERS (2/2)
Electromagnetic Forming (EMF) is a high velocity forming process using the energy density of a pulsed magnetic field as an active pressure impulse on workpieces of good electrical conductivity. The pulsed magnetic field is generated by the sudden discharge of an energy storage (typically a capacitor battery) through a tool coil (inductor) system. The electrical conductive workpiece is located close to the tool coil, so that the (primary) coil current induces a secondary current in the workpiece flowing in opposite direction of the coil current. Electromagnetic Forming (EMF) Optimization of joining processes for new automotive metal-composite hybrid parts THE PROJECT ABOUT EMF ABOUT EMF ABOUT EMF ABOUT EMF CASE STUDY PARTNERS (1/2)
The magnetic pressure acts always on both, workpiece and tool coil! The pressure peak is highest if the maximum possible current is induced in the workpiece. At a certain level of this magnetic pressure the current carrying material (the workpiece) will be accelerated, and, if the yield strength of the material is exceeded, it will be deformed at the same time. EMF can be used as mechanical joining operation by forming of at least one electrical conductive material. Due to the shape of the tool coil and the setup of tool coil and workpiece this technology can be used for electromagnetic joining (EMJ) of tubular parts or of flat parts. Electromagnetic Forming (EMF) Optimization of joining processes for new automotive metal-composite hybrid parts THE PROJECT ABOUT EMF ABOUT EMF ABOUT EMF ABOUT EMF CASE STUDY PARTNERS (2/2)
Toolpresse is interested in developing a new process of making brake pedals that combines composite materials and steel joined by EMF, in order to provide a consistent alternative to the current state of knowledge of realization of these components. Toolpresse’s Case Study Optimization of joining processes for new automotive metal-composite hybrid parts THE PROJECT ABOUT EMF CASE STUDY CASE STUDY CASE STUDY CASE STUDY PARTNERS (1/2)
Main objectives: Reduce the risk of serious lower limb injuries the driver in a frontal collision The use of composite materials in the production of this components allows to define a non-aggressive geometry, without sharp edges, which greatly reduces the risk of serious injury in case of frontal collision and simultaneously ensuring compliance with legal requirements and international statutory. Reduce the weight of the brake pedal assembly Due to the low specific weight of composite materials, the final weight of the component is less than the weight of existing components made entirely of metal. Reduce the cost and the time of the production process Due to the smaller number of operations and components it’s possible to reduce the cost and production time. Toolpresse’s Case Study Optimization of joining processes for new automotive metal-composite hybrid parts THE PROJECT ABOUT EMF CASE STUDY CASE STUDY CASE STUDY CASE STUDY PARTNERS (2/2)